Monday, July 13, 2009

Mary Worth 524

And that's just at Charterstone! Women find Charley Smith irresistible. He's so charming and so handsome that just to make eye contact is to fall under his hypnotic spell. He even wrote an ebook! (I was going to provide the link, but this is a family friendly blog.)

Today's Full Strip


Numbat said...

And now Mary is giving readers rude signs. She really is beside herself since encountering Charley.

Diving Off A Cliff said...

There's more to this than Mary's letting on. Her extreme agitation leads me to believe that Charley spurned her advances once upon time, and she is consumed with jealousy of Delilah. And Delilah's taste in clothes.

birdie said...

Oh my, yes!!! I feel myself irresistibly drawn to Charley. I might have to take a break from my marriage and run out and meet him! I think it's the goofy skipping that makes my heart go pitter patter.

tuffenuf said...

Did anyone else catch a glimpse of Delilah's navel on Sunday? Just a fleeting glance, but there it was.

Vicki said...

Charley's philandering must make for some awkward times at the pool parties! This might also explain why no goes swimming. Especially the ladies.

Delilah sure has a cavalier attitude about marriage! "Those two marriages might have ended anyway..." Sheesh, she and Charley deserve each other!

Barbara L. Hanson said...

When's the last time anyone heard the word playboy in a sentence that did not include the words Hugh Hefner? I guess we should be grateful that she didn't say Don Juan, or roue.

Anonymous said...

If he's caused damage to only two marriages at good ol' Charterstone, imagine the marriages he has defiled outside of the bubble.

Anonymous said...

Mary's neck has gone all Exorcist on us again.

Steven W. said...

Mary flashing gang signs cuz that's how she rolls. She's all fazizzle in the hazizzle bout da 411.


Robert said...

Yeah, this development is seriously bringing out Mary's inner gangster! She will not be out-meddled by forces outside of her control!

Miss Emish said...

Mary, that hand gesture is quite rude in England. Need I remind you this is a family friendly atmosphere?

Vicki said...

A couple of times I've noticed Delilah fiddling with that button... that button is ALL that stands between this being a family-friendly comic and a XXX comic. And then there's Mary with those gang signs. Moy is pushing the envelope fer sure!

Anonymous said...

Mary's been working out. Just look at those shoulders.

Violet said...

I like how Mary conveniently neglects to mention that both of the marriages were hers.

Anonymous said...

"Charlie is a uniquely charismatic young man who the ladies seem to adore! He's charming, down-to-earth, smart and appealing -- and it is for these reasons that I forbid you from ever seeing him again!"

djangosmom said...

Anon, is that a quote from somewhere? If not, it could be. Anyway, it's a good one.