Just a comment to single men. If you expect women to have this kind of reaction to your neglect after one blind date, don't. This is a comic strip. Real women are smarter than this. If one ever does react this way, run. Run as fast as you can. Because before you know it, Mary Worth is going to hunt you down for an explanation and it better be a good one, Doctor!
Today's Full Strip
I know, I know! He fails to call after one date - one measly little date - and she's falling apart. Is this her first date ever, or is she merely sixteen years old?
If he doesn't call after 48 hours, you call. If he doesn't return your call within a few days, that's too bad for him.
PS That went as anonymous because Google is experiencing "issues" this morning. It wants both a password and word verification to post the comment, but it only gives you either the word verification or a password prompt, not both. (eyes crossed)
- Charlene
Never trust a "doctor" who hangs his kindergarten, elementary and high school diplomas, and his birth certificate on his walls. Far scarier is the fact that he hung an autograph from some "Moy Giella" over one of his diplomas. I think Jenna would be better advised to start stalking Ernie Johnson; his marriage to B?BJ isn't likely to last much longer.
Look! Dr. Mike's black-haired twin, "Mack", has found his brother's cell phone! It's been missing all week. The two of them were so busy hanging up their FIVE--count 'em!--diplomas, that they failed to notice the phone had slipped down into Mike's toolbox.
He never thought to call poor Jenna because um, er...A) he was so busy hammering nails and B) his cell phone was missing. That's what he'll tell Mary as his "good explanation".
Unhip Mary thinks people still write good old-fashioned, hand-written letters to one another. Jenna, of course, is "modern" and knows all about texts, and e-mails. But still, "nuttin' plus nuttin' equals nuttin'." Zip, zero, nada.
Mary and Jenna are cozy enough that Jenna seeks solace on Mary's comforting shoulder? Who knew?
@Vicki: I like the fact that Dr Mike is not one entity but twins, easily mistaken for each other except for their hair colour. The Dr Mike Janna went out with had light brown hair; the evil twin picking up the cellphone has hair as black as coal.
And I *still* think at least *one* of the twins is gay.
He thought it was love, the strange buzzy feeling, but now he's pretty sure it's coming from his phone because he hasn't spoken to Jenna in a week and... whoa, there it is again!
Drs. Mike Roberts and Drew Cory had lunch together in the hospital cafeteria. They have the same model cell phones, and accidently grabbed each other's phones from the table. Now Drew is desperately trying to remember when he dated a woman named Jenna.
It's an amnesia storyline. Dr. Mike doesn't remember who he is, is not sure how he ended up in a therapist's office, and doesn't know what that rectangular, metallic device is.
Dr. Mike is in Witness Protection. That's why love isn't meant for him - he's not really a doctor or a Mike.
Now, after reading Jenna's increasingly desperate and frequent texts, he wonders if he should call for help.
The witness protection program is the reason for Dr. Mike's sudden, drastic hair color changes.
Wait a cotton pickin' minute, Mary. Dr. Mike enjoys helping others, even on his day off. He's been on a humanitarian mission with Angelina Jolie, performing his psychobabble magic in some third-world country.
I hope Jenna feels like a real selfish a** when she finds out why he hasn't called.
Dr. Mike: "Hmmm, my pocket calculator has been buzzing nonstop for the past two weeks. I wonder whats wrong?"
I know doctors usually wear a white lab coat while at work--but a white SUIT coat? The three buttons at the end the sleeves kind of give it away.
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