Thursday, January 30, 2020

Mary Worth 3278

And his drugs grew your hair back as well. It’s thicker and more lustrous than ever. I guess, once properly diagnosed, thyroid problems really aren’t a problem at all. 


Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Somehow I get the feeling that Mary's just spurting out nonsense without hearing a word Iris is saying. For example:

Iris: The doctor told me I have six months to live and I'm contemplating suicide.

Mary: You seem to have a plan of action that's working for you!

KitKat said...

Later today: Mary tells Wilbur that Iris is seeing Zak's doctor. A little more later today: Wilbur hides in the shrubbery outside Medical Building with binoculars.

Mary's wondering what meds Iris is on, and where Jeff keeps his prescription pad.

Michael Beaumier said...

Like Iris, I would also be too frightened to actually make eye contact with Mary.

Like Mary, I would also be too bored to actually make eye contact with Iris.

Yahoonski said...

Someone with access to the archives can confirm or refute this, but I seem to remember Mary encountering Iris back when she porking up and going bald, and now she says "Meds? Is everything all right?" Who writes this stuff? Oh, wait... Never mind.

Anonymous said...

Mary, for the love of all that’s holy, please switch out your purple cowlneck and yellow disk earrings for something else? Seriously, anything else. Thanks so much.

Yahoonski said...

Sorry. "...back when she WAS porking up..."

Anonymous said...

Tune in tomorrow for another unexciting episode of "As the Worthiverse Drones On."

-- Scottie McW.

LouiseF said...

Meds? Iris said "meds"? Back in Mary's day,thyroid conditions were treated with leeches. No wonder she looks confused and can only grant that Iris "seems" to have a plan that's working for her.

tkraft said...

Methinks we all need some 'meds' to wade through this dreck. That's a plan that would work for me.

Anonymous said...

tkraft: one pill makes you larger; apparently Iris was prescribed the one that makes you small...


katyb said...

Mary is so deadly. "You 'seem' to have a plan of action that's working for you." Oh, Iris, you silly, silly fool. Don't you know Mary's plan of action (POA) is the only one that really works? You know, like Estelle laughing again with Wilbur. Ware Mary's POA!

KitKat said...

Has Iris sufficiently bowed to Mary and affirmed Mary’s rightness that we can move on to something else? (I realize tomorrow and Sunday will no doubt feature more bowing and affirming - bleah.) If the something else involves a Weston, I’m going to be sick.

I’d like to ask Mary why she never pleaded Wilboor’s case to Iris the way she has to Estelle.

Bill the Butcher said...

Probably by "meds" Irish means leeches. The leeches that sucked all the extra weight out of her.

Anonymous said...


I'm thinking of getting together with a friend or neighbor and then repeating to them the same two or three sentences over and over and over and...


meg said...

What’s next for the ‘Hail Mary’ Tour?

This afternoon, Mary Worth will ride a small donkey through the parking lots of Charterstone while her adoring sycophants wave palm fronds and chant her name. Next up will be a balcony appearance where Mary will conduct a Meddling of the Masses Mass.

KitKat said...

@meg, that’s perfect! What a picture that presents.

While Mary’s on that balcony, she can break into her rendition of “Don’t Cry for Me, Santa Royale.”

Yahoonski said...

Love? As Tina would say, "What's love got to do with it?" It's all about Mary's ego.

@meg, Hail Mary Tour = Brilliant!