Monday, May 18, 2020

Mary Worth 3369

Fraulein Maria was never fond of the French Resistance.


Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"This Doesn't Sound Fiery At All".

Hugo choice.
Jared. Right. Friends.
Well? Resistance?

Anonymous said...

Groan, a full week of unnecessary muffin recap coming up. Groan again.

"Resistance? No, he couldn't have cared less."

That muffin is enormous. Guess that's why Mary's muffin tins hold only eight each.

-- Scottie

Anonymous said...

French Resistance? Dare I imagine Hugo wearing a brown jacket and beret with a rifle slung over his shoulder listening to a radio is some french farmhouse basement... "Le moustache est long...le moustache est long... Dawn n'est pas votre l'amour...Dawn n'est pas votre l'amour..."

"Eh bien! Ze Allies will land on le cinq de Juin!"

KitKat said...

I love the secret message, Wanders! “Springtime for Hitler” is good for what ails us, especially the pandemic.

Ah, the return of Mary’s shrapnel muffins. Looks like she cleaned out a kitchen drawer and dumped the miscellaneous what-nots in the drawer corners into the batter. No wonder the muffins didn’t rise.

More euphemisms from Dawn: “I’m with Jared.” She has never said she loves Jared. Oh well - she was truly and deeply in love with Hugo, and we know how long that lasted. That’s Dippity Doo Dawn for you.

Why does Mary always mention that Hugo is French?

LouiseF said...

Mary apparently lives on the bottom floor. Does she get a discounted apartment for being able to snoop easily on her neighbors for the management? I can see her now at the window with binoculars... "Wilbur Weston put out his recycling without cleaning the jars. Estelle dumped her cat's litter box into the trash without putting it in a bag as per the rules."

katyb said...

Ugh. For whatever reason, the story lines (lately) in Mary Worth are almost always about true love, and partners pairing off. So why are the characters' discussions about it so clinical? "I chose Jared" "It was the right thing to do" "We agreed to be friends" "I need clarity"
If this is true love, please, for the love of whatever deity you pray to, do not sign me up.

Mrvy said...

KitKat, "Dippity Doo Dawn" is marvelous!