In case you need a few more quotes on kindness to brighten your day, here is Karen Moy's secret source. What would Mary Worth be without Google?
Speaking of two-fers, this was a special treat -- Compare last Sunday's upper right panel, with today's:

It's déjà vu all over again. Haven't I said that before?
I like the men's and women's restroom silhouettes on the wall at Cathy's house. Do you think they stole those from Applebee's? Will they pull Mary into their world of petty theft and juvenile pranks?
So Mary's life-definging moment was when she realised that she could freeload and would never have to pay for her own dinner again?
If they photocopied the same strip for six weeks but added new dialog, would it really alter the tone of Mary Worth that much?
The collection fo Kindness Quotes is very interesting. I am very strongly in favour of people being more considerate and kinder towards each other but those quotations give the impression that it is compulsory to be sanctimonious about it.
Blast and botheration! A typo! Foiled again by my own carelessness and incompetence.
Yes, shandyowl, just like Scarlett O'Hara, Mary swore, "As God is my witness, I'll NEVAH be hungry again!"
They did change the left side of her hair.....musst've taken hours to draw.
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