Focus, Wilbur! Stay focused! Remeber, Iris loves FLOWERS! Don't let a little thing like her PDA with Zak turn your brown eyes blue!
Friday, December 29, 2017
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Mary Worth 2778
Well, they'll probably remember that you dumped him when he was poor, but came back when he was rich. They'll call you a gold digger behind your back, which you definitely are. But then, their hearts will soften towards you as they realize you may be the only one who can convince him to stop trying to grow that beard. Not everyone can grow a full beard when they're 22. There's no shame in that. Be patient, and try again in a few more years.
The wedding is where we learn of Zak's serious mommy issues.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Mary Worth 2777
This is their life now. Standing around. Admiring one another's beauty.
I hope everyone had a peaceful holiday. I'm full of gratitude for your shared admiration of the Worthiverse. I'm always happy when new people post a message. You're always welcome here. As long as the Condo Board approves of you.
Friday, December 22, 2017
Mary Worth 2776
"I have plans... to boil Iris in a pot of steaming hot coffee."
While this panel would definitely have been a strong contender for a Worthy nomination, have no fear -- it will be included on next year's slate! It is still not too late to vote for this year's contenders.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Mary Worth 2778
If only Wilbur had made this type of emotional effort to win Fabiana back, we'd still be enjoying the beaches of Bogota and salsa dancing. He has no problem imagining himself capable of winning the girl back from Zak, but winning her back from Pedro... No way, Jose! Er, Wilbur.
Thank you for all the kind words yesterday regarding our Worthy Awards nominees. It takes a while to put together so I really am glad you're enjoying voting. If you haven't voted, you can visit yesterday's post.
I want to especially thank those of you who bribed the judges by making a donation! Such a help. It means a lot.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
2017 Worthy Award Nominations
You are invited to vote for your favorite in each category. Winners will be announced at the 10th Annual Worthy Award Ceremony on January 2, 2018.
Our first category...
The nominees are:
Torn in "Ask Wendy Again"
Entertainer Esme: Nooooo!
Medical Assistant Jared: AUGGH!
Fabiana: You'll need a drink to do this!
Dawn Weston: Tommy's Not the Only One Who Found Religion
Entertainer Esme: That Dress
Fabiana: Leopard Skin Perfection
Gorgeous hunk? Have!
Is passenger! Know off-limits!
Me--challenge. Want!
Can. Should!

"In Which You Can Either Read This As A Metaphysical Treatise On Adulting Or The Alternative Lyrics To Whip It By Devo"
Work grind! Change pace!
Wrong! Like! Vibe this!
Switch? I'm you!
Yeah! Here! You me!
Sorry, moved
Not! That's!
Too late. Friends...
New boyfriend...
Why? Attractive couple, happy.
Don't know. Younger!
Tommy Beedie
Wilbur Weston
Wilbur Weston
Bogota Beach
The Hoosiers are Cruisers
Han Solo and Luke Skywalker Can't Both Love Princess Leia
Ask Wendy
Iris Loves a Rich Man
Bogota Blues
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Mary Worth 2774
Is Wilbur actually planning to push that car down the sidewalk to run over Zak? I like where this is headed!
Also, I spotted this car in the parking lot at the Post Office yesterday!
Monday, December 18, 2017
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Mary Worth 2772
I, for one, am not quite ready for the residents of Charterstone to start adopting the sexual mores of the French. No one wants to see that.