I have no idea who runs
enormoushop.com, but they had it up within 30 minutes of the midnight launch of today's strip. In fact, according to godaddy.com, they had the site registered on August 1. Somebody had some inside information and used it for the betterment of the entire world. I suspect the Dharma Initiative.
Today's Full Strip
Wow...could this story get any more exciting?
Tomorrow: Toby stops a traffic-light. The day after that: Toby is mysteriously abducted by strange aliens with large, pointy ears and bumpy foreheads, who force her to divulge the secret to Mary's power...
Hey, there's no harm hoping, is there?
On the plus side, we've finally gotten a sign as to the general drift of the next story, which apparently...um, has something to do with Toby's credit card? Hopefully, though, however boring and yawn-inducing this story turns out to be, it will at least give Professor Chin-Beard plenty of oppurtunities to be snide and obnoxious.
And, yeah, whoever put up that website is awesome...
There must be a way to drum Moy out of the business. How can a comic strip be so bad and still be published? My newspaper discontinued Spider Man but Mary's still there. Why? Maybe Moy is toying with us. Maybe it's really hard being so sophomoric. Maybe her goal is to create mindless story lines to see how far she can push an audience without losing it. Maybe there an art to such poor writing? Maybe we all pawns in the longest social expermiment in hisory? Is Moy is an evil genius who somehow gets us to read her drivel simply because it is so bad....akin to rubernecking as one passes an auto accident, not really wanting to look but having no choice. It's driving me mad, I tell you....MAD!
anonymous why would you want to get rid of Karen Moy when she is producing gold like this?
For the past few months Mary Worth has been edge of the seat entertainment: the constant teases; feints and false leads and blind alleys to keep us guessing.
We can be sure of nothing. This all looks to be shaping up for a credit card fraud storyline but it could just as easily be a courtroom divorce battle when Prof Chinbeard makes disparaging "blonde bimbo" and "trophy wife" remarks when Toby's identity is stolen.
The glacial pace is all part of the tease - it takes so long to establish which direction a plot is going to take that it gives us all plenty of opportunity for delicious speculation.
The only possible criticism that could be levelled at Karen Moy is her cold-hearted refusal to move Chester into CHarterstone permanently.
Anonymous, I used to feel that way, until I discoverd -- mainly thanks to Wanders -- the higher joy of vapid and glacial maddening monotony. Why should we care?? Kill the silly strip!! Mak room for something wlse, give a new one a try, or try the good old Apt.3-G, which I don't get anymore but which always had divine perspective shots from outside of the buildings.... ah, but I wander. Lt's just say that no other strip ever brings tears (joyful tears! tears of laughter, mixed with frustration and exasperation (bring the dog back, please).
Posit: Aldo is not dead.
Axiom: That website is awesome.
Inference: This storyline is increasingly diabolical, yet compelling. I can only assume that Aldo is not dead and is, in fact, taking HTML classes. Print it!
Some time in late April 2012, when this story line reaches a climax and they finally discover the gas station attendant was the one who stole her credit card, Toby will be reduced to ash by the literally withering scolds of Mary and Ian.
Anonymous (I): This is a website for Mary Worth fans. To come here and suggest that King Features end the strip or fire the brilliant Karen Moy is like me coming into your house and suggesting you get rid of one of your children! The audacity. Yes, we all have our moments of desperation; yes, we all bang our heads against our keyboards; so, yes, we all understand your feelings - but if you can't handle the tease, the suspense, the banality, then don't read Mary Worth. This strip is not for the weak. However, if you give it some time, you may find yourself rising above your own common sense and entering into the Charterstone Zone.
Earlier today I seriously hoped that Toby would be involved in a horrendous car accident, taking Mary back to the hospital (site of one of the most awesome combos of stranger-meddling and stodgy romantic tease I've seen), where she could wave her Magic Hands at Chinbeard, pontificate, and totally emasculate him. But since Toby's only turning into gated Charterhouse, I pray for a cool, calculated hit-and-run on Chinbeard! YEAH! Go for it, baby!!
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