Clicking a button? Do we click buttons? I thought we buttoned them. I don't recall seeing buttons in Santa Royale; I'll have to check that with Tina at
Mary Worth, Style Maven. I'm assuming they were banned years ago when The Mary found people were using them as some sort of amulet to protect themselves from her meddling. Oh, wait. I know why I'm confused: Toby is talking about her mouseless-computer. I tried using the Internet without my mouse this morning, and guess what: it wasn't easy! But Toby, being smart and resourceful, must have found a way after Ian hid her mouse in his secret place to keep her from doing something stupid online.
Today's Full Strip
"Too easy to find"? is a very strange phrase to use, Professor Cameron, and when I say "strange" I mean "deeply suspicious".
In terms of a gift or a dvd how can it possibly be too easy to find? Has any consumer ever expressed chagrin or disappointment that their purchases were too easy to find? The only context in which Ian's remark makes any sense is if he is concocting his cover story to explain why he has been suspended for viewing non-family-friendly images at work.
"I wasn't looking for this stuff but that's today's technology for you - filth like this is almost too easy to find!"
I am not really up on the latest DVD Player technology as regards BluRay etc. but I find it odd that the Cameron's dvd player is the size of a suitcase. I remember the early VCRs being large but surely dvd players have always been fairly compact?
In panel 2 Toby seems much more fixated on Ian's chest hairs than in the anticipation of watching the boring Scotland documentary.
panda: and Ian seems fixated on Toby's brown roots.
Doesn't anybody make eye contact anymore?
Elsewhere in the Worthiverse, there's a evil mustached man buying a yacht with Toby's credit card, cackling, and saying, "Yes, too easy indeed, Professor - too easy!"
I'm confused. Was it hard or was it easy?
It's easily one of the hardest easy things Toby has ever had to do. She can hardly wait to ease into another easy search for a hard to find easy listening cd for her and Ians anniversary.
I'm sorry, but every time I look at Professor Ian the Smart's hair I see the open maw of some white alien thing, with our last glimpse of Ian's smug, gullet-bound face poking out.
I know. Just me. But in the absence of interesting plot developments in this strip we tend to create our own...
It seems that the present Toby really wanted to give Ian was a wife who wasn't as dumb as a block.
I'm off to investigate this newfangled button business.
One more thing - if we want to get all technical and academic about things, buttons on computers are actually called keys. I think that it probably is best to use layman's terms though, as obscure names for things generally just confuse and alienate most people.
Isn't it always much clearer when we simply press the thingy and move the do hicky? Oh right, Toby dosen't have a do hicky, she just presses the thingy untill the stuff comes up on the thingamajig so she can make her selection.
anyone here old enough to get this reference to Ian's beard? Ian Cameron, with life-like hair!
no... nobody?... ok, I'm old.
maconmemad: You forgot about the wha-cha-ma-call-it, but the inclusion of yet another techical thing-a-ma-bob would probably send The Fair Toby over the edge.
And will anyone ever do hard time for the easy credit they pilfered from the Camerons?
maconmemad: Sure! GI Joe Adventure Team with Life-Like Hair and Beard! (circa 1970)
Toby should have just gone to the local Rite Aid and purchased a razor for Ian. . . Of course that would have deprived us of this scintillating plot.
If there was beard shaving, we'd get a plot that was at least 4 months. What could Ian be hiding behind that beard? Prison tattoos? Necrotizing fasciitis? A love child?
Tomorrow we'll probably "move forward a few days" as Toby and Mary once again have lunch or go shopping. Reel in horror/anticipate with delight as Toby's credit card is refused for being over the limit! ZAF!
"Too easy to find" in bold print. A portent of the inevitable and snail-paced ID theft to come! I'm thinking that within 4-6 weeks (and I'm being cautious) Mary will be visiting Toby at the Santa Royale Battered Women's Shelter, destroying what little self-esteem Toby has with coded "you dumbass" messages: "well, you did leave Ian in a bit of a pickle," or "why didn't you get Ian's permission first to use the computer?"
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