I'm not sure what the heck is wrong with the roof of your car, Toby, but for heaven's sake, keep your eyes on the road. If you roll that vehicle, you'll be donating your heart to some needy soul at Mountview Hospital. So will Ian, since clearly he's had the airbag removed to make room for his considerable girth. Of course, Ian's booze-sodden liver is not eligible for the organ donor program.
Today's Full Strip.Doesn't it just go figure that the day my
ZAF! Gear arrives in the mail...

... dear reader Chris informs me that Zaf! is already
a very expensive line of jeans!
"You always have my heart"...
I'm not sure what exactly that means, but, knowing Ian, it can't be anything good...
Toby looks to be on some serious drugs in that second panel. But then again, so would I, if I were married to Chinbeard. Constantly.
This stopping and starting with the fast-forwarding is truly making me dizzy and nauseated!
I'm finding today's stip disturbing in several ways. 1) The sudden jerk of the fast-forward 2) Is this horrid blue sport jacket the only one Chinbeard owns? 3) All this "honey" "sweetie" "you'll always have my heart" crap is triggering my gag reflex.
This over-done "lovie" stuff may be a set-up for one of two future scenarious:
1) Ian's plane crash. Toby will then have to try to figure out how to handle all this identity theft stuff on her own, with the help of Queen Mary, of course. "I wish Ian was here to help me. He'd know what to do. At least he knew that I loved him! Snif!"
2) Ian is all "sweetie/darling" until he finds out that Toby's purchase of a stupid used $20 DVD has ruined his credit, his reputation, and his plans to visit his fatherland, Scotland. We will then have a truly disturbing domestic violence situation on our hands. Where will all the sweet talk be then??
PandaG, You are onto a good story line I believe. Picture this... we fast forward through time and space once more to Chinbeard handing his credit card to the hotel clerk to register into the fine five star room and ... for the next two weeks we cover the next awkward ten minutes of the card being declined. Then time travel forward to CB (Chinbeard, duh...) who has had to walk all the way home from Chicago crashing into the house and throttling Toby. Hearing the screams, Mary burst in at the last moment and pulls Ian away by cutting his throat using the Scotland DVD. Then...What?.. over the top? Whoops, Sorry.
I think pandagrandma and maconmemad are both engaging in a lot of wishful thinking. Remember, this is "Mary Worth" -- foreshadowing means nothing.
If I didn't know that, I'd be wondering where Toby's repeated, firm refusals to join Ian on his trip are leading. That's mighty odd behavior for a woman who can't stop talking about how much she loves him. Perhaps she's just waiting for him to leave so she can take a short-term job to pay off that incredibly-hard-to-find DVD?
I'm with mollie. I think Toby cant wait for Ian to leave so she can try and figure out what happened to all her money before Chinbeard gets back and gives her so much grief. That lovey dovey stuff is making me sick too, pg.
anon: you are dead-on with your take on Toby's gaze. I read the strip this morning and was struck by a weird sense of "I've seen that look before." Hours later, I remembered where I saw it---in the mirror, many decades ago, after doing an amazingly intense drop of windowpane. Do you think Charterstone is located near a high school?
Why is Ian is wearing a yarmulke?
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