Oh. My. Gosh. Mary didn't just ask what I think she did, did she? Does Karen Moy really think that by telling us everything twice, we will better remember the obvious?? If Toby dares utter one single word that Terry Bryson taught her, don't bother reading this blog because I'm going to be reading Marmaduke instead.
Besides, if anyone really needs to review Terry's advice, just
click here.
I'm with you! Rex Morgan has an interesting old codger love story going on. Anything but reliving the past 2 weeks of informative information anyone who can operate a computer should know.
In my local paper they ran the 7-29 strip instead of the 9-29. So when I first opened the paper I saw Mary was back after her long absence, once I checked here I was able to see the new strip and Mary was indeed back. But please Ms. Moy, don't rehash the whole safety course again!
At least Toby finally went outside! I was afraid her ordeal had turned her into an agoraphobic
Today's strip reminds me of finally getting to the end of singing "100 bottles of beer on the wall" only to have some fool yell, "one more time!"
Let's see... add a label that says "Toby recalls Terry's advice"... draw some memory clouds around each panel... and presto! Two more weeks worth of material!
Does the universal wearing of pale blue shades in place of pink or fuchsia signify the transition into autumn?
Stop being so selfish and wrapped up in yourself, Toby! At least have the manners to ask Mary how she coped with handling her paperwork.
Nice jeans - are those Diesel ZAF?
Nice cardigan without buttons, Mary.
Apt. 3-G is more and more exciting every day.
This story has taken so long, it's now cold outside! Mary and Toby have to wear their jackets, when just "a day or so ago" Toby and Ian were in the pool!
I think to make up for this, there should be a story where Mary sword fights on top of a moving zeppelin. Against thawed-out Nazis. Over a forest blaze.
Just to see how that would look after being run through Karen Moy's patented Story Bland-O-Rizer(TM).
Tina, I think that if you look very closely, you will see that Mary is zipping up her cardigan.
No, msugarcuty, I think she's adjusting her bra. Look where her hand is.... Geeeezzz, Mary, it's getting to be a battle of tenacity -- you are trying to drive us absolutely insanenenene and the more you dish out the more we are determined to stick it out. I can't believe it, that we are all still here. Wait one year, and we'll see.
I just read the comments from YESTERDAY;S annoying strip and want to nominate "birdie" as the next sxriptwriter! Do you write for "Rex Morgan," birdie? That obne sure turned around and got the action going -- I thnk MW needs your talents! Yeah, Birdie for MW strip-writer! I mean it. Something's got to give, or we're all suckers -- what's Moy got going on this?
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