I dreamt I was married to that fat, pompous elderly grouch with the strange beard again. In the dream I was terribly intimidated by him. I didn't want him to think less of me, so I kept important information from him: Other people were spending our money; I like plaid; his ear hair disgusts me. But he discovered my secrets and exploded. I woke up in a cold sweat. At first, I was relieved to discover I was alone and my bed is too small to hold such a fat husband. Then I remembered: We sleep in separate beds! Oh, save me dream diary! Save me!
P.S. Tomorrow, I think I'll re-tile the kitchen.
Today's Full Strip.
"Someone used our money....."
Actually, if Toby's dream actually happened it would at least liven up the platitude-fest, I mean storyline. It appears even Wanders found Saturday's ep far, far too boring to write about.
Yes, Toby, this whole storyline has been like a horrible dream, hasn't it.
Following exhausting and extensive exertion(try saying that five times fast), I have come to the conclusion that monkeyshine is right; this entire story has been nothing more than Toby's feverish dream.
After all, think about it for a second...could there be a more uninteresting, unclimactic, and thus totally Mary-Worth-esque way to end a story?
First, we see Toby going out with Mary Worth...then, she shops, buys gas, goes home, and buys a gift for her husband...then, she answers an "irgent" email...then, (insert several more boring events here)...and then, finally, she wakes up, to discover that that entire six-month story has been nothing but a dream. How exciting!
Toby is at the gas station, the fumes the fumes....ten minutes later she wakes up and Ian booms "I'm off to Chicago"
Meanwhile, Vera plans a trip to Canada...
I feel cheated. We have been kept waiting for what feels like months for Ian to blow his stack wih Toby and then to have it happen as a dream instead of bone-crunching reality?
Is this the queue for refunds?
We all know Ian will actually be kindly accepting of his darling's quandary, don't we?
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