"My dear, sweet, stupid, stupid wife. Of course I still respect you... nearly half as much as I respect my colleague. I know how much that must mean to you. After all, my respect is what matters most. Now where's my dinner? And why isn't the kitchen re-tiled?"
Today's Full Strip
"My dear Toby, if identity theft can happen to my learned colleague, it certainly can happen to a blithering idiot like yourself. And I want you to know that I respect you for being a damn fool. By the way, did I tell you that it's good to see you?"
Sock-it-to-me sock-it-to-me sock-it-to-me sock-it-to-me
Sock-it-to-me sock-it-to-me sock-it-to-me sock-it-to-me......
Really, Chinbeard. Sock it to her. I waded through two months of Victorian melodrama posturing for this? That it makes absolutely no difference to you?
NOTICE TO ALL MARY WORTH READERS: A class action suit has been lodged against Karen Moy on the charge of Crimes Against Plot. If you have read the current storyline, in which Toby Learns a Valuable Lesson, and you feel that hours of your consciousness have been recklessly and unconscionably obliterated, you might be a beneficiary of this suit. Contact us for more details.
Who hasn't seen this anti-climatic moment coming since this drab storyline began?
boojum: As much as I'd like to sign on to your class-action suit, I fear that all I'll receive in the end is some worthless coupon for my efforts and all cash receipts will be held by some big-city law firm--Treestup & Quagmire and Aardvark, Kumquat & Schnoogle come to mind.
No, I'll just have to admit that I came to this sad, sorry end of my own volition. I will not become just another "victim" in "a nation of whiners".
miss em: The story line won't be over until Mary Worth gets a chance to gloat to/belittle/bully/etc. Toby that her advice is always correct!
This story line has been nothing more than a public service to educate and enlighten us about identity theft. Thanks, Karen. Who knew? No one should now expect a satisfying payoff to a very unsatisfying story line. By the way, did you know that Moy got her start in the business writing bubble gum Bazooka Joe comics?
Look on the bright side. This storyline has enriched our world with such things as: ZAF, Ian Cameron in swimwear, Ensign Terri Bryson's crushed velvet ensemble, Sean Finnerty, enormoushop.com, the Cameron's geometrically impossible (and soon to be re-tiled) kitchen, Toby's sleeveless blouse with the interlocking heart design, a peek inside the world of linguistics and pedagogy seminars, three or four fascinating answering machines. I could go on, but I've got to mix the kool-aid for the pool party.
Could we still hold out hope that in Panel 2 Ian is about to take dear Toby by the throat?
No? Oh, ok then. (Sigh)
There are 8 million stories in the Naked City and this has been one of them....
No. No it hasn't. This has been a series of events in the Naked City. Worse, the only (near) nakedness was Chinbeard's.
And toots mcgee -- you've got spunk!
I hate spunk.
/mary tyler moore reference
I don't think it is over yet because Ian hasn't heard the price tag on his respect for Toby. I wonder which learned colleague? The learned mind he met at the convention?
Continents drift faster than this storyline.
M'dear Toby, I know you've been busy reeling over your own personal credit crisis, but if you'd only open your eyes you'd realize the WORLD has a credit crisis, so you really don't need to worry because capitalism itself is a victim of identity theft. You've just got to have some perspective.
Also, hello to the other miss_em, I am kind of like you, apparently!
"I respect you. Now just give me your credit cards and bank statements. Because I don't TRUST you."
Toots: ZAF was part of this storyline? Oh my. You are absolutely right. It feels like that happened years ago, and yet it was just a few days in Mary Worth time. I need a life.
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