Often, when we start a new plot, there's a bit of a transition. Mary and Toby sharing stew for instance and rehashing recent events. But coming off the worst Mary Worth story ever(!), it's probably best just to put it in our past. Two images will never be forgotten however: That pink power paper shredder carton, and Ian without his shirt. No matter how hard I try to forget, they're seared into my brain forever.
Today's Full Strip
Toby without a shirt? I'm certain I would have remembered. I wonder what Freud would have to say about Wander's slip?
Wow! Thanks, anonymous, for catching my error. I really do try to keep this blog family friendly.
That wasn't the only goof in this morning's post... I'm exhausted folks, and a little giddy that the identity theft story is over.
And all Freud would have to say is, "Since Toby lost her identity, no one knows who she is anymore."
Hmmmmm -- I don't know. You seem a little defensive, wanders, with all the excuses. Let's explore that. What do you think it means...?
Yeesss. Very interesting...
Poor Dr. Jeff.
He's just seen the next guy with which Mary's going to be "just good friends".
Of course, we have to be sorry for Coach Griffin, too. His life is about to be destroyed so ol' Mary will have something to prattle on about until he gets over the impending disaster on his own and Mary takes credit for his recovery.
JEFF IS BACK! What humiliations will be thrust upon him this time? I'm practically giddy!
Ahhhh, I can barely contain my excitement as I contemplate the treasure that is about to spring forth from Karen Moy's fertile imagination not to mention the pen of Joe Giella. Dare we hope for them to exceed the standard that they set with their never to be forgotten foray into that social horror that is Identity Theft. As we must regretably bid adiu to Ian and Toby, let us again join our voices to the sky in praise of the genius of Karen Moy and Joe Giella.
I'm sensing sarcasm....
Just like al Mary Worth stories, this will start big, but sizzle down to a dead dull story. This new tale most likely involves Mary heading off to her local "Circuit Town" to inquire about replacing her old but still entertains B&W television with a Zenith solid state, housed in a knotty pine cabinet.
Sarcasm? Moi? Get it? Moi?
I'm hoping Coach is involved with steroids and Mary will have roid rage.
I can't wait to see how Mary crowbars her way into this poor sap's life! I'm actually trying to scream "Run!" at the guy on the TV in the comic strip, who's fictional. Run, man! Run!!
If only the skating "game" was broadcast from Toronto and one of the 80,000 heads in the stadium paid for their seats with Toby's credit card.
But since Mary only has antenna service, this program must have been videotaped (on Beta) for Santa Royale public access (channel 52 on Marys dial) at the frozen over Charterstone pool.
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