And those who can't teach, teach gym... that was the complete expression as I recall. However, I'm not sure it is one Mary approves of, and I hope that she won't let it stand unchallenged. Wouldn't it be awesome if this story developed into The Battle of Clichés?
Today's Full Strip
Well, at least Mary's window has reappeared.
Pandag - 'silver alert' - brilliant!! "We interrupt this broadcast with a silver alert, the Mary Worth meddlemobile has been spotted heading east towards New York state. Viewers are reminded not to approach the meddler-in-chief themselves, but to call local police".
In other news ... the Plain Dealer this morning clearly had some sort of color print issue - the whole first panel, the drapes, Mary's clothes, Mary's face are all close to fire engine red - it looks likes the fires of hell are burning around her as she chats with the unsuspecting Frank. At least I now know her name, I couldn't remember if we'd seen it or not, and I was too lazy to go back a few strips and look.
... should say "at least I now know the DAUGHTER'S name" (type in haste, repent at leisure).
"Lynn" makes me think of the Bond movie "For Your Eyes Only" featuring a young ice-skater who also had a creepy relationship with her elder mentor and was played by Lynn-Holly Johnson. Maybe Karen Moy has been vegging out to Bond movies in her free time.
And "Lynn-Holly Johnson" unfortunately made me think of Lynn Johnston, and now I'm having FOOB flashbacks, that's not good!
**cough** full strip? **cough**
Well, no wonder Mary remembers Frank: he's got magic hands! All he has to do is point at one of the pictures on his wall, and it magically enlarges. The world is his iphone.
For you design fans: Mary's window is back! Oddly, the vegetation outside is only visible at night. Or when the TV is on. Or when Dr. Jeff's in the room. Too early to tell. Anyway, the city is also back, outside Frank's window. (Day Two, and the blinds are still in place for the drapes.) The Ever-Changing Desktop is out of sight, so no word on whether Frank's kewl 12" x 9" all-in-one monitor has found its way back into our space/time. And for walls, mint green is apparently the new turquoise.
I'm betting on Lynn's next competition being in Happy Valley, or wherever it is that Mary Meddlesome lives.
Hey, the scarf Mary is clutching, didn't Chester chew it to bits just recently, er, a few millenia ago?
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