Please, for the love of nondescript meat and bleached peas, let this not be a Drew Corey story! Please let it be a Mary Worth road trip story. Anything but a Drew Corey story! I was just about to throw in the towel on Mary Worth during the identity theft public service announcement, but I have been so excited to see Mary hit the road in this new adventure. Now they have to bring up Drew Corey?? If this turns into a Jeff goes back to Vietnam to check up on Drew story, I'm going to reject Mary Worth the way Jeff rejects a second helping.
Today's Full Strip
I could be wrong, but I sense a fix-up, between Drew and the ice skating daughter. This should drag out till at least New Year's Eve.
"No thanks I'm all full up with lumpy brown stuff"
I notice that Jeff only protrudes his pinky in a sophisticated and elegant manner when holding his cup in his right hand.
Wanders at the risk of causing a stramash, I think a long-sleeved white polo shirt is the sort of thing a golfer would wear.
maude findlay you could be onto something there - if anything is going to get Drew to abandon the sick kids and fly home it is a well-turned ankle.
I just wonder how Mary made the leap from Drew sounding "distant and not forthcoming" to Drew doing things his way no matter what Jeff has to say. Mary must be psychic or is that psychotic? I also like Maude's idea about Drew and Lynn....a juicy story exploring and examining the many facets of statutory rape.
Statutory rape? Oh, goodie. Another public service announcement.
Are we sure that the daughter is underage? Maybe she's 18 or 19? After all, she's an ice skater, not a Chinese gymnast. Oh well! At the pace this strip moves, she'll be menopausal, by the time she and Drew hook up, anyway.
"Stramash".....What a great word !!!! I must remember it.
If Lynn is the new it girl, she's not 18 or 19. In figure skating, at that age, you've either made it or you haven't. I'm guessing 15, tops. On the other hand, this is MaryWorld, so who knows?
"I'm going to reject Mary Worth the way Jeff rejects a second helping."
You're going to involuntarily vomit Mary Worth into a wastepaper basket?
Love Jeff's magic shirt. In frame 1 the placket (I think that's the right word--help Tina!) is loosened precisely one button, allowing Jeff the freely move his head about in virtually any direction with minimal chafing from that stiff-ish "wrinkle-free cotton" shirt he's wearing (what do you bet it's not really a 60-40 Cotton-Poly blend, but more likely a stylish Swedish knit 100% polyester number. But I digress). In frame 2, it's somehow managed to burst at least one button, allowing us to now see Jeff's manly chest hair.
I love how the inanimate objects in this strip have a life of their own.
Maybe Jeff could take a few lessons from Drew about doing things his way instead of being under the thumb of Mary Worth.
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