The thing that I'm dying to know is what song is she skating to? Time for another "Not a Real Contest" Contest. You decide. The best suggestion will be added to the Charterstone Jukebox.
And aren't you so excited about the upcoming Worthy Awards??
Today's Full Strip
Those skate boots keep getting taller and taller.
If Frank is half as dedicated to Lynn's success as he claims to be then, having seen how well she skates without his interference, he will ensure her victory in the Nationals by killing himself.
One of the (many) things that I love about Mary Worth is that I can be on vacation and see it for over a fortnight and when I get back only a few hours have passed in strip-time.
My Way, Frank Sinatra
Where has Lynn's choreographer been all this time? Why didn't she tell Frank to back off? And Lynn, you skate on, girl! Dancing With The Stars may call you any minute!
On another note, can anyone tell me the exact date this storyline began? I am keeping track of story lengths.
I'd have to say "I Feel Pretty".
Ahh, Moy. A brief conversaton with her father and Lynn goes from psychotic abuse victim to an unburdened, self confident champion. There can be only one possible musical selection for this girl: Born Free.
"Daddy Don't Preach"
"I've Never Been to Me"
"(Mary Worth is) the Wind Beneath My Wings."
did you ever know that you're my hero(Mary Worth)? by Mary Worth and the Worthettes
Lynn looks like her spine is about to snap in half.
And I'm going to go with "Cold as Ice" by Foreigner.
(psst, wheelhead, it's "Papa Don't Preach")
"Free Bird"
she's utilizing the triple sow-cow about seventeen times during the epic solo.
she's gotta want it.
I Gotta Be Me
"That far away prize, a world of success
Is waiting for me if I heed the call
I won't settle down, won't settle for less
As long as there's a chance that I can have it all
I'll go it alone, that's how it must be
I can't be right for somebody else If I'm not right for me
I gotta be free, I've gotta be free
Daring to try, to do it or die
I've gotta be me
and bla bla bla
Her song has to be something theatrical, since she is a drama queen.
I would say "What I did for Love" from A Chorus Line.
I would say this storyline started in the first part of November.
Does anyone have the exact date?
"If I Were a (dead) Boy" - Beyoncé
I don't know why I get the impression we're seeing her skate to "What a Feeling" from the Flashdance contract. What would Frank think??
Surely Lynn's song must be "Expectations" by Belle and Sebastian. Irony vote would be "Love lift us up where we belong"
"calm like a bomb" by Rage Against the Machine
"Funeral for a Friend"
I think "The Greatest Love of All" may be happening to Lynn right now.
What the song actually is: "I Believe I Can Fly." What I desperately want it to be: "How I Could Just Kill A Man."
On the Wings of Love by Jeffrey Osbourne. Ties in the arm movement, swans, etc.
johnny: This storyline began with Mary and Jeff watching the "touted" coach on TV on Monday, October 13.
What's weird is that it appears that only 2 days (at the most) have transpired since Mary got on the plane to go to Lake Tranquil on Oct. 26!
When Mary told Jeff that she'd surely return "like a swallow returns to Capistrano", I said, "So, does that mean she won't be back to Santa Royale until March 19?" It's looking as though that might be the case.
Wake me when it's over...zzzzzzzzz.........
Now we know what put Rip Van Winkle out cold for a hundred years.
All the song suggestions are perfect, BTW. I'm picturing a medley.
She's skating to a medley "Carmen," and "Malaguena."
They always skate to Carmen (plus, Red Dress= spanish music).
Hmmmm.... a challenge! I must put on my Mary Worth Mind Control/Thinking Cap at once!
Hmmm...how about Louis Armstrong's touching "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen," as a testament to all of Lynn's age-old longsufferingness and heartbrokenness (are those real words?).
Or maybe Johnny Cash's "San Quintin," as a message of love for her dear father, tyrannical skate coach Frank Griffin?
Or perhaps Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here, in memory of poor old what's-his-name, Lynn's lost love (sniff)?
Ahh... the possibilities are endless!
Personally, I like "San Quintin" the best; I think it fits in perfectly with Lynn's character arc over the course of this story.
I would tink that the music Lynn is skating to comes from her personal LP collection, which consists of Sheena Easton, Pablo Cruise and her 4th copy of the soundtrack to Ice Castles. The music playing at the arena is most likely by that "popular group on the radio - WTRQ-Lake Tranquils lite station"
"Clocks" by Coldplay
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