Imagine what Adrian was thinking as she watched her fiance write a very impressive number on her father's napkin, but still no ring.
Or maybe Ted secretly stole the ring back and Adrian didn't notice. He stole her pearls, so why not?
Today's Full Strip
Those are ominous "..."'s at the end of Mary's congratulations. I sense she'll only voice her suspicions to Jeff right now, at least until she's opened an investigation and snooped into Ted's background. Perhaps Toby can help her since she knows so much now about the interwebs.
I don't know which creeps me out more: Adrian's right tentacle in panel one, which can stretch all the way across the table to caress Ted's shoulder, or the chest hair curling out through Mary's shirt in panel two.
And is no one even the least bit suspicious of Ted's sleight of hand gimmick? He's stolen Adrian's pearls and her new ring without her even noticing! The CONGRATULATIONS are to Adrian for not only catching a world traveler, but an accomplished thief! Help, Cecil, Help!
Mary's gesture to her throat in panel one indicates that she's already onto Ted's kleptomania - even before he nicks his fiancee's pearls. So Mary can now begin her insidious campaign to cause strife between the doctors Corey by pointing out to Jeff both the haste of hooking up with a stranger on the internet, and the fact that he's a thief. Oh, I wish they'd let me write the dialog for this strip!
Mary has been slowly sidling around the table towards Adrian this entire meal. She'll be in the poor girl's lap by Friday. Moving in for the kill...
Yes, Amber, that arm with the weird tiny little hand is creeping me out.
I think it's time for Dr. Jeff to take the earbuds out of his ears, turn off the ipod, and start paying attention.
I love this site. I come home from a long hard day and I check this site first, because I know I will get a laugh! I saw the reference recognition Panda G!
Traditional etiquette says you don't congratulate a bride--it implies she brazenly went out herself and "caught" a man. The groom is congratulated, the bride is offered "best wishes." It's a fussbudgety and old-fashioned old rule. I think Mary would know it!
Adrian finally snagged a guy on http://www.santaroyaledesperatepersonalads.com/odd girls. HE looks smarmy and SHE lives in the Twighlight World (Swing Out Sister)No ring on her finger,but, she knows this is the one, as she just saw a similar situation on 'The Facts Of Life". Next..Mary vs. Mrs. Garrett!
Psh. Mary squiggled and crawled her ancient, hell-spawned carapace into this current host-body long before Edna Garrett was even born. No contest!
Well, it makes logical sense...he stole the pearls so he can sell them and get the money to cover that ginormous check he wrote to impress his "father-in-law"....and it is more than a little ODD that he had that check waiting, to benefit Vietnam, well BEFORE the good doctor even mentioned his interest in Vietnam....this internet guy is spoooooky I tell you...
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