"I saw my father's work... because with his obsessively long work hours keeping him away from the home for weeks on end, the only way I could see him was sneaking down to Mountview Hospital and hiding in his exam room. Once, when I was 15, they asked me if I wanted to help out in the O.R., and I jumped at the chance. I knew, right then and there, that's what I wanted to do. Plus, Dad was a complete chick magnet. Sadly, that led to his divorce, but have you seen his girl friend??"
Today's Full Strip
I just noticed this for the first time, but I LOVE that you refer to Liza as "Liza 'With a Z' Colby" in the Labels section. I love how you basically read all our minds there :P
Oh, the torment! The same inane chatter, the same thought balloons, the same two boring people ... just sitting at a different table. Who knew the napkin dispenser would be the most interesting plot development?
Does Giella think he's doing a find the differences comic? I'll start: LiZa's hair has grown about an inch, her necklace has turned into a choker...
And my code word is aporkpad!
Chin touch alert!!
I was so hopeful that this story would develop into something, anything! Instead, it looks like we'll be treated to yet another week of sipping generic beverages and inane conversation. And Liza started her annoying thought bubbles again. I guess the most entertaining side of this story will be the wildly spinning and morphing restaurant. I'm glad Liza changed into regulation purple, though!
The colors inside that restaurant could not be any more unappetizing. I can't even eat at my computer looking at that second panel; those squares behind LiZa's head look like the bathroom shower tiles in my parants' house, circa 1962.
My word was "ancoup" as in we should have "a coup" and take over MW and make things interesting. If that is the face Liza makes when she is "sparked," I would hate to see what she looks like when bored.
"Speaking of 'sparks'"...
I have never seen fewer sparks between two people before. Dr Drew is a manikin and possibly the blandest, least interesting person in Christendom. And Liza's a dolt-who's-searching-for-love with a manikin.
"Speaking of sparks," self-immolation is looking pretty good right now.
Liza with a ZZZZZZZ is really bugging me with her silly thought balloons.
@Barbara - speaking of differences, doesn't LiZa look about 10 years younger, and a lot more attractive, in the first panel? My, how Drew's chatter has aged that woman. And it looks like a little blue Wilbur might be dining alone to the left of Drew. I guess Dawn is back to her internet porn...
Are they just sparks or sparks AND a buzzy feeling?
Public Service Announcement--If you have sparks running along your jawline, it COULD be a sign of impending heart attack. See a physician at once!!! oh, wait...never mind.
As Liz's eyes slowly droop closed from boredom, she looks over Dr. Drew's shoulder hoping to see someone much more interesting. "Speaking of sparks," she says contemplating burning down the restaurant around herself to get out of the world's worst date, "the Bum Boat with all its aged timber and potted plants would go up in a second."
The crumbs in Wilbur's sheets are more exciting than this storyline.
let me try that again!
The crumbs in Wilbu's sheets are more exciting than this storyline.
Do you think that Moy is trying to convey that Liza has a romantic interest in Dr. Drew?
"something inside of me that never left" - ? Are we talking demon possession here? Or just really, really awful writing that receives zero editing or review?
Look at Drew's eyes in the panel above. You may be on to something with that demon possession theory. I like it! (with an exclamation point!)
Listen, Karen, I know that hallucinogens are supposed to enhance creativity but its just not working for you. So lay off already.
"Speaking of sparks", Drew is about to confess that, in his family, spontaneous human combustion is a hereditary trait.
The colorless man in panel one, who does look like Wilbur, seems to have been put in a time out, facing the wall by himself. Do restaurants anywhere but Santa Royale do this? 'Cuz I've never seen it. I must not eat out enough.
It appears that Liza with a Z and Drew are sharing that beverage. Where IS her other arm? Have they even ordered dinner yet? Are the sparks flying so intently that they will pay the waiter for the lone cocktail, stumble off to the waterfront and continue this boring converation on Drew's yacht?
My verfication is ounted. Drew is about to be ounted by LiZa!
That close-up of Liza makes it look like Dr. Drew is out with his mother - ugh!
Speaking of sparks...what's happening between these two couldn't ignite gasoline. This whole storyline is like my verification word...
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