But apparently, time has passed, if you can actually call it time, and Drew and Liza are dating. Liza has gotten what she wanted: a selfish, impulsive narcissist. Just like her. A perfect match. That was a really good story. Moving on...
Today's Full Strip
Didn't we JUST go through the whole "deserves love, etc." with what's-her-name, who is now honeymooning in Northern Santa Royale? Or was I imagining that? Have I been in a coma for years only to awaken as Moy and Giella rerun their most amazing stories? What is going on?
Drew deserves to find love just as we deserve this fine comic strip.
And...who put out the word that Drew is DATING? You mean this ONE date that LiZa had to initiate? I guess that's what passes for dating these days. A second date must mean 'engaged'.
Not only are Dr. Jeff's surgeon hands large, his left hand is super-enormous. Must wield a mighty scalpel!
Love Drew's jacket. I have the same one: pale lilac suede, the Gap, circa 1994.
I believe Dr Jeff is being impacted by the full moon.
Next story line, Jeff Corey, Wolfman. Mary will be happy he'll no longer be able to manipulate his electronic reading device with those paws.
By the way, my entire household now refers to the Kindle by the generic term above.
Thank you Karen!!
Meanwhile, I'm fixated on today's "Meanwhile." Do the new outfits imply that time has passed and they're on a future date, or did Giella just draw some new clothes in the same way he randomly changes hairdos and rearranges furniture?
MAybe the audio would be better: "He (smirk, wink)deserves it!"
"I hope he finds happiness"? If Jeff had engaged in even the shortest of conversations with his son, he would had learned that Drew is already happy... He would know that happiness DEFINES Drew!
In the time it takes to finish one glass of water, Jeff would know that.
Dr. Jeff must be drinking green Hulk juice. He looks ENORMOUS and his neck has disappeared!
Next panel, a greenish tinge to his skin, perhaps?
Where does Jeff's left forefinger and thumb fit into this picture? Was his middle finger amputated at the first knuckle?
That hand reminds me of a dream I once had while sick with a fever.
Methinks the good doctor has come down with a case of acromegaly.
Wow! Drew and Liza with a ZZZZ are workin' the nightlife in SR, as well as those fancy clothes. Where could they be off to lookin' so fine?
And I must say, Drew fits into those mom jeans very well.
Someone is packin a pistol!
Something old
something Drew
something borrowed
Something blue
Let's talk some fashion sense here...if I saw my doctor rockin' the night life in those Mom jeans and that little Gap jacket...lordee, I'd be on the phone the next morning to his office,asking to transfer my records elsewhere!!
Don't the back pages of "Men's Fitness" mags have some ads for stylish track suits or something?? Sheesh!
I thought the same thing when I read the strip in the Post. Why does he deserve it? The tangled romantic attachments and their subsequent ends ended because of one person: Dr. Drew "I-Read-Men''s-Fitness" Cory.
I'm just hoping that Dawn shows up and slaps him.
"Nice pantsuit, Mom, uh...I mean, LiZa. Did you get it at Haband?"
I'm taken by the wishful thinking behind Wanders' comment today: "That was a really good story. Moving on..." Nice try, but not so fast. You know better than all of us how things work around here.
I wish we would once in a while be looped back to previous storylines that were left hanging: what happened to Ann Coult...er, Jill, and her purple boots of boozing? Is Dawn texting again? What's Wilbur snacking on this afternoon? How'd the honeymoon go? But no, just as Punxatawney Phil might predict, we're in for six more weeks of... this.
Haven't LiZa and her international msn of mystery returned to their jobs at the hospital YET?
Punky: I like the phrase "purple boots of boozing". It recalls the Dylan song Boots of Spanish Leather (for whatever that's worth).
"purple boots of boozing"
is an item that you would find playing Hackmaster.
(Knights of the Dinner Table comic)
They probably double-up well with
"Pink Leg Warmers of Speed".
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