What caused it? I don't know, but he's probably sick... It's just a guess.
As you can tell by our beds, this is 1957, so we don't have any ibuprofen. Instead we hooked him up to two I.V. drips and pumped him full of oxygen, and that seems to have solved the problem.
Is that backgrounf person facing us approaching Liza with intent to read her the riot act? I don't think that was intended. Maybe I just want to see it that way.
Meanwhile, the other background person is about to walk into a corner. Either that or she's studying the curtains..."Hmmm, these are the ugliest curtains I've ever seen. I wonder where I might buy some of these for my home"
Oh my gosh!! A fever! Whatever could have caused such a horrific symptom? Moy should start watching "House" to get some differential diagnoses for potentially disabling diseases if she expects LiZa's hyper-texting disorder to to teach us a lesson.
What caused it? Well apparenttly he stoppd by Charterstone and was offered a handful of salmon squares, baked, oh, two years ago. I'll speak to the nurse on duty, maybe there are a few left over.
And question, what the heck could Liza with a ZZZ, nurse on duty, do to take care of the fever? Well, she rushed right down to the cafeteria (free wifi) and texted Dr Drew!
That's not the old guy we looked at yesterday. Christopher seems to be moving from room to room, looking for an on-duty nurse and claiming to be the patient's son.
Wow, well-spotted, Brick! Unless Christopher has two daddies, and they are both sick... I think my favorite part of this blog is reading the alternate scenarios that everyone comes up with for how the story COULD go, which are always so much better and more engaging than what we are given. But with each new storyline, hope springs eternal. In this case, the patient exists only to ram home the lesson we've been hearing for weeks now: technology, and texting, are evil.
And where is Mary through all of this? Still sipping an indeterminate beverage on Jeff's sofa? Or standing on her kitchen stool?
I think the man in the bed just became about 20 years younger within a few short minutes....or else they decided it would be a fun idea to dye his hair brown while he was still unconscious.
Christopher, apparently, doesn't notice. Maybe, he was in on it?
ahh...who cares about some ol' patients' fever? It's just a job. What matters is "living in the moment" and right at this moment, LiZ-Z-Za is getting some super dreamy texts from Dr. Drew! She's not even concerned that her salmon square is getting cold.
It's pretty tacky of Mountview Hospital putting a cash register on the nightstand next to a patients' bed!! Also feeling sorry for that poor nurse and her unfortunate eyeglasses.
Oh my god. Crap is about to go down. A man nearly died while Liza was eating cheese and texting to her new boyfriend. Hopefully Jill Black will fire her personally and then we'll get to see two drunken rages simultaneously!
Can someone *please* explain to me what the 1950s typewriter is doing next to the patient's bed? Or is it a cash register after all? I worked in hospitals for ten years, never saw anything quite like that gizmo... although it's done wonders for that patient, making him look 20 years younger and growing his hair back like that...
My word verification is "what the?..." Actually, it isn't, but it really SHOULD be!
So far I have been unable to discern Drew's feelings for the coy Ms. Colby. Similarly, what's that expression on Liza's face in the second panel of Wednesday's strip? Remorse? Ennui?
I'd like to give the strip some credit for complex characters and taut narrative. But I can't.
Didn't plan to read the words "drainage tube problems"... over coffee this morning. I understand why a few years of doing Liza's job feels like longer. Of course, just as I was typing this, our cat walked into the house to bring me a dead gopher... so I suppose it's all relative.
I'm captivated by Liza's hand gesture in today's second panel. My guess: she's demonstrating to us just how much she cares about that patient in room 20-F.
Has Joe G. ever even visited a modern hospital??? At our local hospital, for instance, the people who clean and sanitize patients' rooms wear that same shade of green uniform, sans stethoscope. The NURSES wear various colored and/or patterned tops with white pants, usually. The beds are modern! No cash registers or typewriters on the bedside table...nurses actually enter information about what is done for each patient on their shift. What a concept!! Curious how the be-spectacled nurse has the same haircut as our LiZa. Is that part of the dress code for nurses? Maybe the maintenance people have red hair, the lab people have brown hair, doctors have black/blue hair, etc...? Prolly something a drunk Jill Black dreamnt up down in her administrator's office.
Oh, honey, I'd say there is a huge problem: only the very few in this comic have non-clown hair. And you three aren't our exceptions.
But I appreciate the subtle segue from LiZa and Drew's buzzy time.
Someone needs to suggest a broad spectrum of antibiotics, that'll turn him right around.
What caused the fever, you ask? Why, it was an attention deficit disorder, on the part of Nurse LiZa, that scoundrel!
Is that an adding machine over the nurse's shoulder? Now there's some new-fangled technology for you!
Could be the two electrodes up the patient's nose.
Meanwhile, as Liza surfs Web MD on her portable communication device...
Is that backgrounf person facing us approaching Liza with intent to read her the riot act? I don't think that was intended. Maybe I just want to see it that way.
Meanwhile, the other background person is about to walk into a corner. Either that or she's studying the curtains..."Hmmm, these are the ugliest curtains I've ever seen. I wonder where I might buy some of these for my home"
Oh my gosh!! A fever! Whatever could have caused such a horrific symptom? Moy should start watching "House" to get some differential diagnoses for potentially disabling diseases if she expects LiZa's hyper-texting disorder to to teach us a lesson.
What caused it? Well apparenttly he stoppd by Charterstone and was offered a handful of salmon squares, baked, oh, two years ago. I'll speak to the nurse on duty, maybe there are a few left over.
And question, what the heck could Liza with a ZZZ, nurse on duty, do to take care of the fever? Well, she rushed right down to the cafeteria (free wifi) and texted Dr Drew!
That's not the old guy we looked at yesterday. Christopher seems to be moving from room to room, looking for an on-duty nurse and claiming to be the patient's son.
Wow, well-spotted, Brick! Unless Christopher has two daddies, and they are both sick... I think my favorite part of this blog is reading the alternate scenarios that everyone comes up with for how the story COULD go, which are always so much better and more engaging than what we are given. But with each new storyline, hope springs eternal. In this case, the patient exists only to ram home the lesson we've been hearing for weeks now: technology, and texting, are evil.
And where is Mary through all of this? Still sipping an indeterminate beverage on Jeff's sofa? Or standing on her kitchen stool?
I think the man in the bed just became about 20 years younger within a few short minutes....or else they decided it would be a fun idea to dye his hair brown while he was still unconscious.
Christopher, apparently, doesn't notice. Maybe, he was in on it?
Moy should sign us on as her editorial staff as she obviously doesn't have one now.
It's lupus!
LiZa will be requesting her transfer to Admin anytime soon i suspect.
ahh...who cares about some ol' patients' fever? It's just a job. What matters is "living in the moment" and right at this moment, LiZ-Z-Za is getting some super dreamy texts from Dr. Drew! She's not even concerned that her salmon square is getting cold.
It's pretty tacky of Mountview Hospital putting a cash register on the nightstand next to a patients' bed!! Also feeling sorry for that poor nurse and her unfortunate eyeglasses.
Everyone knows that you can give a fever to someone three floors above you just by texting on your electronic communication device. Stupid, LiZa.
Thank goodness there is an Underwood type-writer there in the room to write up the report of this woeful neglect of a man with *gasp!* fever!
If questioned, LiZa can just say she was following the time-honored advice, starve a fever, feed a cold...or is it feed a fever, starve a cold?
Or Maude, is it "tweet a cold, text a fever"?
Oh my god.
Crap is about to go down. A man nearly died while Liza was eating cheese and texting to her new boyfriend. Hopefully Jill Black will fire her personally and then we'll get to see two drunken rages simultaneously!
Can someone *please* explain to me what the 1950s typewriter is doing next to the patient's bed? Or is it a cash register after all? I worked in hospitals for ten years, never saw anything quite like that gizmo... although it's done wonders for that patient, making him look 20 years younger and growing his hair back like that...
My word verification is "what the?..." Actually, it isn't, but it really SHOULD be!
So far I have been unable to discern Drew's feelings for the coy Ms. Colby. Similarly, what's that expression on Liza's face in the second panel of Wednesday's strip? Remorse? Ennui?
I'd like to give the strip some credit for complex characters and taut narrative. But I can't.
Didn't plan to read the words "drainage tube problems"... over coffee this morning. I understand why a few years of doing Liza's job feels like longer. Of course, just as I was typing this, our cat walked into the house to bring me a dead gopher... so I suppose it's all relative.
word verification: "revoti" l read "revolting".
Nurse Four Eyes needs to calm down. Doesn't she know that EVERY patient at Mountview is neglected or ignored?
I wonder when Mary will pop in, pushing her trusty magazine cart?
I'm captivated by Liza's hand gesture in today's second panel. My guess: she's demonstrating to us just how much she cares about that patient in room 20-F.
A "drainage tube" problem? I guess this near-miss will teach Mr. Miracle Hair not to check into Mountview for his oil changes!
Has Joe G. ever even visited a modern hospital???
At our local hospital, for instance, the people who clean and sanitize patients' rooms wear that same shade of green uniform, sans stethoscope.
The NURSES wear various colored and/or patterned tops with white pants, usually. The beds are modern! No cash registers or typewriters on the bedside table...nurses actually enter information about what is done for each patient on their shift.
What a concept!!
Curious how the be-spectacled nurse has the same haircut as our LiZa. Is that part of the dress code for nurses? Maybe the maintenance people have red hair, the lab people have brown hair, doctors have black/blue hair, etc...? Prolly something a drunk Jill Black dreamnt up down in her administrator's office.
Wednesday...LiZa looks like she's rolling a booger in the second panel.
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