Yesterday, faithful readers pointed out that Liza Colby is actually a character from the television soap opera All My Children. But here's a little tidbit that Mary Worth fans will be able to relate to. In 1994, Liza Colby looked like this.

But since 2009, Liza Colby has looked like this.

It's not really a big deal -- Here at Mountview Hospital, Liza Colby has already changed her face three times.
Today's Full Strip
Everything changes in this crazy world, kids! Now those big tumblers are espresso cups!
The exclamation points continue! They add such excitement to non-exciting sentences!
Helmets of yellow-lacquered hair are totally in this year!
I too enjoy exclamation marks!
In order to bring even more excitement to my daily venture in to the Mary-verse, I've started using that age old fortune cookie trick of adding "in bed" to the end of every sentence uttered by the Mary-Verse cast.
It's turned each stupor inducing episode into yawn inducing and upped the ante on the MW (Mary Worth) Rating scale.
Previously rated MW-G's have moved to MW-PG-VSLD!!!!!! <-- Exclamation points!!!
Now I have to go back to sleep....IN BED!!!
I understand him wanting to grab a prop stethoscope and go play doctor. But it seems to me he could at least have grabbed one that looked mildly realistic. That thing wouldn't even fit on his ears. It's obviously a child's toy.
I love the guy with no eyes behind Liza. I want a storyline about him.
Oh, Liza, you probably hear a LOT of interesting things in that hospital. Maybe some tidbits on becoming a gold-digger and latching on to that wonderful Dr. Drew.
Yea, Liza with a Z, I have heard that too. I also heard you are on the prowl for a man. I also heard that you like to...boy, is the mens room wall at Mountview full of information!
Is Drew interested in Liza with a Z, or is he oblivious while she's smitten?
Oh, wait, maybe that's supposed to be the suspenseful part.
When I awoke this morning I had my usual glass of orange juice! As always,I opened my newspaper! I turned to the comics section and Mary Worth! It was a nice morning!
Do characters in the Worthiverse have no original thoughts or opinions? How many times has Moy trotted out an old aphorism by having the character start with, "I've heard that ... "
"I've heard that the stork brings babies." "I've heard that the darkest hour is just before the dawn." I've heard that flying kites cures addictions."
Thank God I ran my cursor over the Liza Colby/All my Children pix to find those were played by different characters. I had gained an increased healthy fear of aging for a second there.
In the second frame, if you look at the qay Liza holds the glass and casts her stalking eyes, you hear the Dr. Evil evil laugh.
I'd pay good money to see Jill Black and Liza "With-a-Z" Colby get into a catfight over the handsome and very eligible, (though somewhat uncertain about his "future plans",) DR. DREW, who has returned to Mountview Hospital!
Surely we can expect Dr. Mary Worth to pop into the cafeteria soon, as she begins her volunteer shift!?
Drew had better watch out, because the enchantress Erica Kane will surely vamp him, if he doesn't!
I have to commend Shmoopie, from yesterday, with that "each storyline is more boring than the next" observation. So true! I think we can all agree that Jill getting drunk at the rehearsal dinner and being heaved into the elevator and onto the street was the high point, drama-wise, probably since Helen (hic!) Clark. This current story IS like watching paint dry. Personally, right now I'd vote for the paint.
I have yet to see any MW character have a real interesting trait or personality, except for Jill, of course.
I do know that Ian likes DVD's about Scotland, Toby paints clowns, Jeff has a Kindle, and Dawn now flies kites.
Sadly, thats about it.
Chester@5:03, whatever could you mean?? Jeff is also the Protector of Citizen Cane, Drew has a vivid internal life focused around men's magazines AND he has a serious medical career AND possibly runs a clipboard business, and Dawn is likely running an internet porn site, which would account for her utter exhaustion and the fact that she only has free time on Saturday afternoons.
My word is festetio, which describes the festive mood of the Worthiverse to a 'T'!!
Thanks for posting the pics of the two actresses who have played Liza Colby on "All My Children." Loved the parallel to characters not looking the same, just as in the Mary Worth strip. Another parallel: daytime soaps are as endangered a species as newspaper comic strips.
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