Saturday, October 12, 2013

Mary Worth 1,698

"And when I'm kissing him, I'll be thinking of you, so don't you see how great this is for our relationship?"

Today's Full Strip


Tony said...

Another old adage: "Out of sight, out of mind."

Thorpnotized said...

I Googled Shelly Cohen the other day (images). If Giella uses any of the resulting pictures as source material, we're in for a treat!

Anonymous said...

@Tony: LOL!!

R u ok? said...

Seems that Jeff and Mary completely finished their evening conversation and have essentially said their good byes. What comes next? Watching them awkwardly eat in silence at the Bum Boat?

Jack Worth said...

It seems like they are literally sailing off into the sunset....wish it were that easy.

Anonymous said...

What in the world could Jeff possibly miss about his relationship with the Queen of Smug? The constant rejection? The self-congratulatory tales of her escapade? There must be something pretty spectacular going on "behind the scenes" to make sense of this strange attachment he has.

Chin Napkin Groupie said...

Considering how much time Mary and Jeff have spent apart over the past many months, how much fonder of each other can they get? If old adages are true and fondness is the goal, they should never see each other again. I know I would approve.

Dave in Parma said...

Like they say:

"Absence makes you forget the other person."

"What happens in Vietnam, stays in Vietnam."

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again (and again, and again, and again....)."

"The only thing we have to fear is Mary herself."