Friday, May 1, 2015

Mary Worth 2047

"Work conflicts. He was the Evil Henchman to the diabolical Crooked Congress-Man, who eventually shot him in the knee. Of course, I was Teflon Girl. So yes, work conflicts."

Today's strip


Anonymous said...

This Congressman McMuffin reminds me of Senator Joe McCarthy and I don't know why. In P2 Mary's right arm, which held a coffee cup in P1 is missing. Will she be joining Adam on the disabled list? Is the coffee alright?

Anonymous said...

The cruciform window grilles fit beautifully into Terry's hand -- good call, Wanders!

Yahoonski said...

What broke us up the first time? Well, after we gave the homeless guy a beat-down for littering, Adam said "Guess we'll need a LITTER to get him to the paddy wagon." Man, we both cracked up.

Yahoonski said...

Maybe you'll have a different outcome this time. For instance, I can never tell what's going to happen when I sit on this couch with someone. Sometimes the couch stays as it was, and sometimes the whole middle section just straight up disappears.