Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Mary Worth 2950

Brandy is going to have a revelation for him, too: "I will not be the catalyst for your sobriety. If you can't do it for yourself, then you can't do it for me either."


fauxprof said...

I can’t tell from Brandy’s facial expression if she is sad, skeptical, or just bored. None of those reactions bodes well for Tommy.

Anonymous said...

So hopefully this whole story line will end quickly and Brandy will forgive Tommy ONLY if he gets a haircut.

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Brandy: Full-Time Cashier, Part-Time Baggage Handler".

God...saved dark place!
Clean, sober!
Struggle, determined!

Downpuppy said...

How is it we missed the Revelation of St Tommy the Mundane when he first saw GOD on the Road to Goleta?

Anonymous said...

"Then I had a revelation. I saw a shining light descend from the clouds, and then the vision of Mary Worth appeared to me, as if in a dream. And she told me blah blah blah yada yada yada, and here we are."

-- Scottie McW.

KitKat said...

Stellar comments today, everyone! Wanders, if only Brandy would say that. Unfortunately, no character in this strip has the emotional intelligence and maturity to ever say anything like that (yes, we can’t take MW seriously). Instead, Brandy will probably say, “Sure I’ll be your catalyst! What is that, and how do I do it, anyway?”

@Nance, today’s haiku title cracked me up - hahahahaha...!

Getting a haircut must not have made the revelation cut, darn it.

LouiseF said...

Cheap plot device, using the word "revelation" at the end of Tommy's confessional monologue, which turns out to be more of a confession than the one in the church.

Yahoonski said...

I wish y'all would stop ragging on Tommy's hair. It is by far the best thing about him.

Sandi Ego said...

The hair just doesn't suit him. I think they're trying for a SoCal surf dude vibe and it's not working. Just like this plot.
And lol to the haiku baggage handler title!

fauxprof said...

I’d have to consult Wanders’ admirable archives, but I seem to remember original Tommy having something even worse, like a man-bun or a mullet.

Delilah said...

Brandy's thinking, "How can I make a graceful exit from this idiot?"

Anonymous said...

Run, Brandy, run !

Garnet said...

The Comics Curmudgeon has some comics with Tommy's hair from his tweaker days:

This below comic outlines the reason for Tommy's 'rocky' relationship with his dad:

Apparently, Tommy's father didn't want him on all sorts of illegal drugs or for him to end up in prison. Brandy really ought to kick Tommy into the ocean for even suggesting that his parental problems are anything comparable to hers.

Tommy hasn't even gotten into the fact that he still lives with his mother and has no plans to change that, that his mother is in a bizarre relationship with someone his age, and that he was a meth dealer.

Jana C.H. said...

I also don't understand why everyone hates Tommy's hair so much. Yes, it looks stupid, but that's only because it's forty years out of date. In forty years (or actually, ten years), all currently fashionable haircuts are going to look just as stupid. There is nothing intrinsically ugly or attractive about *any* hair style. They always look stupid within ten or fifteen years of their original popularity. Since the original popularity of Tommy's haircut coincides with my own youth, I don't particularly hate it. Tommy I hate, but not his hair.