Saturday, September 22, 2018

Mary Worth 2978

Mary's really good at coming up with obscure quotes that are totally apropos for the moment. I can only quote television, which sometimes gets me into trouble.

"Friends joke with one another. 'Hey, you're poor. Hey, your mama's dead.' That's what friends do." - Michael J. Scott, The Office

Not really appropriate, but funny in context.


Anonymous said...

Old Man Wynter turns to Mary and embraces her.

"Oh, Mary, just hold me."

"Uhhhh, you know, when I was talking about friends, I didn't mean us. I, uh, I barely know you. Oh Jeez, look at the time. Uh, Mr. Wynter . . . Mr. Wynter? Um, I've really got to go to the bathroom . . . "

-- Scottie McW.

Delilah said...

Oh, Scottie McW! Were your scenario only going to happen! Heh.

KitKat said...

@Scottie McW., your scenario could only be improved by Mary throwing a salmon appetizer at Saul and it balancing on the top of his head.

BTW, I've been wondering if there is a secret meaning behind "Saul Wynter." The only thing I came up with was Saul being a play on "sol," i.e., "Sun Wynter." That's pretty lame, though, which is par for the course for KM. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

jimmy durante and mary lee roth... a cha cha cha cha cha cha!