Monday, February 18, 2019

Mary Worth 3068

As long as Estelle keeps Libby, she can't steal Mary's boyfriend.


Anonymous said...

Wow, just when I thought MW couldn't get any more boring.

-- Scottie McW.

KitKat said...

No self-respecting cat would go ga-ga over a short-term owner who dumped him/her in record time. Libby likely forgot Mary by the end of her first day with Estelle.

Note that Libby appears to be sporting a fetching little beret in p. 2. Libby could also challenge Jannie to a winking competition.

Tim said...

This is an unusually abrupt change for the Worthverse. I Karen Moy got bored with her own storyline.

Sandi Ego said...

I am creeped out by the vaguely humanoid cat winking and wearing a beret, holding onto Mary like a baby.

MDMaryTed said...

Oh, I know! In a more age appropriate scenario, Estelle is going to try to steal Ian! Or is Mary going to try to fix her up with Saul? The drama would be if Libby and Greta can get along.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

So now we go from Toby thinking Ian is having an “emotional affair” with Jannie (after all, he is the Bradley Cooper of SRCC) to the winking, beret wearing Libby and Estelle. What crazy and improbable storyline has KM got in store for us?

My wish would be for Libby to claw Mary’s eyes out.

Delilah said...

Whoa! I've got MW whiplash! No Worthian Platitudes to Toby? No coffee & muffins in Mary's kitchen...or even salmon squares and kelk before charging into another vignette? And never mind the thought of a pool party! Shocked, I say! Shocked!

Yahoonski said...

Beret? I thought it was a yarmulke. And what makes any of y'all think Mary would care if somebody tried to steal her boyfriend?

Anonymous said...

It appears that Estelle has been spending a lot of time plucking the black hairs from around Libby's remaining eye; she's almost half way.

fauxprof said...

Although June came up with an accurate rendering of both a chihuahua and a dachshund, she really falls down at drawing a cat. Or maybe it was just the idea of drawing a circle around Libby’s good eye; coupled with the color, what registers with me is not “cat”. It’s “Mr. Peanut”.

Sandi Ego said...

@fauxprof, don't forget the lovely horses on the beach!

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Ach, if only Toby and I could be as richly communicative as Estelle and Libby...

I think ‘twas Robbie Burns who rightly said, “Cat ownership is like lampreys. Our best laid plans gang oft agley”.

Or summat like that. I cannae concentrate without an Ardent Groupie.. maybe tis not too late to give wee Jannie an F plus?

Top Ranked PCX Computer Support said...

Those dogs and cat pictures are very cute. Hope to see more from you.