Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Mary Worth 3109

Brilliant, Karen Moy! You have written yourself out of the plot problem with this story, offering an ironclad explanation. I have no more questions as to why Estelle hasn't video chatted with the man she loves more than life itself, or at least more than $10,000 and her dignity. Estelle is not "up on that kind of thing." Now it all makes perfect sense. And I won't even bother asking why Mary or Toby won't explain it to her; I mean, they're Mary and Toby.


Bill the Butcher said...

Now if Toby dated she wouldn't settle for anything less than a Nigerian prince, no, sir! Not she!

fauxprof said...

The ultimate verdict on marriage. It has nothing to do with love, or commitment, or companionship. It means you don’t have the bother of dating anymore. Toby is a true philosopher.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, I'm so glad I have Jeff and don't have to date anymore either."

-- Scottie McW.

KitKat said...

"Love means never having to bother to go on another date."

Both Mary and Toby look bummed and bored. The failure of their intervention with Estelle deprived them of Estelle's tearful thanks and much gloating, maybe even a double victory lap. Mary will drown those innocent flowers, and Toby will dream of muffins (and vodka).

Anonymous said...

"I am so glad I don't have to date anymore...just work myself into a depression over Ian's potential affairs with entitled students.

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"It's Whatever, Yawn. Now, Back To Me!".

Video chat see?
Don't know.
Up that.
So date!

Gina said...

As a single woman with my share of dating horror stories and eHarmony rejections, I have to say Toby actually has a point here.

(Ugh, I just said Toby had a point. Gotta go take a shower.)

Nice work as always, Nance!

Downpuppy said...

Did June just decide to draw a city in the background, or has Moy been playing Sims?

meg said...

Downpuppy: Check out Mary Worth 1259 in Wanders’ most excellent archives (March 24, 2012). Santa Royale is a twin city with Manhattan!

Anonymous said...

Henceforth, whenever I hear "You Belong To Me," I'll think of Mary and sing,

See the pyramids along Denial . . .

-- S. McW.

Downpuppy said...

meg: Fascinating how the old city has been rebuilt in the 7 years since it faded into the mist. Thanks!

Steve G said...

Estelle just has to hit the "FaceTime" button on her phone the next time Arthur calls.
If she could figure out how to upload a picture to Silver Daters, she should be able to handle FaceTime.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Steve G, I agree. Estelle cannot be THAT stupid. Why did she go out with the losers and then took everything Arther/Arthur said at face value? I think that's what's annoying me the most.

Toby and Mary look like they are so over Estelle and her foolishness. Toby's happy that she settled for a big pompous boor like Ian so she doesn't have to date. After all, why aim any lower than what's she's got? As for Mary, she keeps pushing Dr. Jeff away, but he's too stupid to realize it. At least they're not suckers for "cribbed" poetry. (Which BTW is a word I haven't heard since HS.)

meg said...

Ian: Toby, did ye hear that Notre Dame is burning?

Toby: Of course she is. Mary hates it when people don’t take her advice. Teehee, I love it when you speak Latin, Professor Cameron.

Ian: I love it when you call me Professor Cameron, you little minx.

Bill the Butcher said...

Mary's muted meddling might make most readers raise ragged eyebrows in surprise, but check out her appearance in panel 1. She clearly isn't long for this world and has more important things on her mind.

For instance, whom does she infect with the bite of the Radioactive Meddler? Weelbur? Mr Allora? Iris' son, whatever his name is? Toby?