Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mary Worth 3210

Love means bearing difficult moments together. Like being tired.

Because you're old.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, panel 2 suggests that Iris and Zak are . . . ahem, co-habitating. I'm shocked that Mary is tolerating this.

Boy, that is one high-backed chair that Iris is sitting in.

Does someone have a muffin in the oven?

-- Scottie McW.

KitKat said...

A zinger of a secret message, Wanders!

Wow, Zak’s hair color is matchy-matchy with the curtains. Was Mary the interior designer?

Iris is Dawn’s competition in the perpetual student/never a graduate contest. That’s a fine suggestion, Zak. Iris can trim her schedule from two classes per semester to one.

It looks to me that millionaire Zak didn’t buy a luxury condo for himself and the cougar, or is this Iris’s Charterstone place? Did Tommy leave that take-out container on the counter? Is he sleeping on the sofa? So many questions today!

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

I still say it's because she has to listen to Estelle and Wilbur banging out and singing obscure folk songs on the piano until the wee hours of the morning.

Anonymous said...

Nice stubble Zak. Iris, shouldn't you say you have a headache? We can only hope for a Iris - Wilbur - Estelle love triangle story arc!

Chester the Dog said...

Cut back on classes? Down to NO classes?

LouiseF said...

Well, if all you're eating, Iris, is crappy Chinese food, it's no wonder you're tired. MSG, anyone? Time to start taking some vitamin C and entertain a green salad sometime. Oh, and get some sleep, woman. You're no spring chicken any longer, and you don't need to keep that youngster boyfriend happy at the expense of your health.

Garnet said...

How is Iris still in school? And Dawn for that matter?

Anonymous said...

Baby on board??

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that Iris is pregnant. No way will KM write a story line that racy and potentially interesting; unh-uh; ain't gonna happen folks. I think it's going to signal a break-up with Zak. Iris will tell him that she needs to focus on her studies and staying up until the wee hours of the morning playing.... umm... whatever it was; you know, the game he invented... has just left her unable to continue the relationship...
Garnet - I believe Iris told Zak that she had to drop out of college because she was pregnant with Tommy (who is supposedly 25 yrs old now). Why that would be, I'm not sure; you can't attend college classes while pregnant? Kids do that in middle school nowadays...
Anyway, if it does turn out that she's pregnant and has Zak's baby, will all of you who might still be around 40 yrs from now, be reading that Iris' baby is still a baby? I mean, Dawn is still a teenager, right? Mary is still 60-ish, right? No one dies in the Worthiverse unless it's a dog (Bella) or a creep (Aldo).
This is too much for me; I need another drink.


KitKat said...

HelenClark, your comment wins the Interwebs today!

Anonymous said...

More likely Iris is tired because of menopause.

Anonymous said...

Cheers, KitKat! Hope you're still here in 40 years!

Garnet said...

I know Iris went back to school as an adult, but even so she's been in school for years now, apparently full time. I guess she keeps failing classes and having to re-take them. I think Dawn has the same problem.

LouiseF said...

Allergies? PLEASE no public service messages about the prevalence and dangers of pollen. I may fall into a coma if that's the plot of this sorry story. Worse yet, the exhaustion plot may lead to a (groan) tedious examinaton of the difference between their ages. Zak is not going to put up with staying home watching Netflix and drinking Sanka with Iris. She'd better start taking some amphetamine, or Wilbur's going to start looking better than he did.

KitKat said...

I was wrong yesterday - the crummy kitchen with brown curtains is in Zak’s downtown digs. Silly me for expecting sleek, contemporary decor in neutral colors. Maybe Zak squanders his money on other things.

If Iris isn’t pregnant or in menopause, maybe she’s terminally ill. Probably none of these are likely. I can’t see KM following any of those paths. Perhaps Iris can’t keep up with her boy toy, and she’ll fight Estelle for Wilbur.

BradyJ said...

OK we need to collect all the theories in one place, so place your bets on where this story will go now!
Why is Iris Tired?
2:1 - Zak got Iris pregnant
3:1 - Zak gave Iris mono
10:1 - Wilbur got Iris pregnant
15:1 - Iris is diagnosed with a serious life-altering disease, Zak dumps her because he's not mature enough to dedicate all his time to caring for her, driving her back into the arms of Wilbur (prop bets on what happens to Estelle and Libby will be taken on a case-by-case basis)
5:1 - Iris is in fact just overwhelmed by her workload at college, and in true Beedle Ripped-From-The-Addiction-Headlines fashion becomes dependent on Adderall
100:1 - just allergies

fauxprof said...

Iris has changed her hair color from Crayola yellow-orange to Crayola yellow. Perhaps it is an allergy, but to the new dye. She should stop doing it at home and spring for a good salon.

Anonymous said...

Nice job, BradyJ but I think most of us here are either dealing with life-altering diseases, allergies, workload, umm... otherwise too disabled to attempt to place a bet. Hopefully, one of us is still young enough to get pregnant? Thank God that's not me. Maybe you should have added a theory that Iris is a drunk. I'd bet on that... I know I'm tired from lifting those gallons of Tito's.


TimP said...

Maybe in his next relationship, Zak will have learned that when your significant other declares she's tired, she really isn't looking for you to spitball suggestions about how to fix her tiredness.