Thursday, February 6, 2020

Mary Worth 3282

Just a matter of time. No words strike more dread in the Worthiverse.


Anonymous said...

"Maybe at one of his company's divisions. Maybe painting houses. Whatever."

Yeah, I'm sure Hugo is yearning to leave Paris and return to the U.S., where everything is inferior and nobody parlez Français.

-- Scottie McW.

KitKat said...

Hey Dawn, I hear that if Hugo moves to Nigeria he’ll be able to get to the U.S.A. more easily.

Vince said...

Hugo still doesn't seem sold on the idea.

Yahoonski said...

What's the deal with Wilbur's outfit? Is it a V-neck over a polo shirt? A two-tone one-piece? The configuration of the throat area just doesn't look like anything you could get with real fabric in the real world.

meg said...

It’s very kind of Captain Kirk to pass his old Star Trek jammies on to Wilbur. That chartreuse and chocolate brown combination doesn’t look good on just everyone.

LouiseF said...

Dawn is exhibiting some poor posture here. For one so in love, I would think she would be sitting up straight and on top of the world. Paging Dr. Moe for a consult... I think it's her thyroid. Love the Start Trek "jammies" reference! Wonder where Nance is these days..I could use her take on the BFH..

Anonymous said...

We can only hope Hugo comes over on a Boeing 737 Max, but that's not funny for all the other fictitious persons on the flight.

Bill the Butcher said...

7 February:

How hard can a Hugo roll his eyes?
How hard can a Hugo roll his eyes?
Oh, ask, and you will be answered
'Tis when Dawn the Weston outcries

That her love for Hugo is true
Oh her love for Hugo so true
That's when Hugo rolls his eyes
So hard 'tis visible to me and you.

But not to Dawn or to Weelbur, no
Life's too brutal, or something more
Like giant Colombian scammers, they don't see
The eyes Hugo rolls at thee and me.

Chester the Dog said...

Dawn, it is NOT all about you. Get over it.