Monday, April 13, 2020

Mary Worth 3337

Because if we know one thing about Dawn, it's her decisiveness in matters of the heart. This trip to New York will clear up everything.


fauxprof said...

Some of the other comics I follow mentioned social distancing as of this morning. (Sally Forth and Judge Parker have the same writer.) But I am confident that it will continue to be sunshine, lollipops and roses in the Worthiverse. You kind of wonder why they even need hospitals and Physician Assistant Jared. Probably just to dispense Botox to 134 year old meddlers.

KitKat said...

Wow, things are moving along at breakneck speed. KM hopscotched over Dawn using Wilbur’s credit card to book her flight, NYC accommodations, and an Uber to the airport and is already presenting Dawn flying east. Gee willikers!

I don’t recall any previous floating heads inside the aircraft. Perhaps this is significant. Meanwhile, the lovesick, preoccupied, distracted Jared will probably endanger countless patients as he muddles his way through Northview Hospital. Watch out, patients!

LouiseF said...

Given that I see just one floating head in today's strip, I'm afraid it's curtains for Jared.

Anonymous said...

Since Dawn is so flighty, I suppose she'll refall madly and deeply in love with Hugo. Then when she returns, she'll refall somewhat in love with poor Jared. Or maybe some guy she met on the plane.

Floating head contest: Hugo 1, Jared 0

-- Scottie McW., Nonfarmer :-)

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"The Hulk Provides Relationship Counseling".

(Break up
Make up?)

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

She will have a better sense of her feeling or a better sense of why you don't travel during pandemic. I was hoping for a double floating head (Hugo vs. Jared) but this works.

Is it me or is Jared more ugly when he's all sad and mopey?

@kitkat: I looked under "Floating heads" and there were a few airplane floating heads. Mary had one with Dr. Jeff when she was returning from her sojourn from NYC with the Tee Hee family. There was also one with Gina the Waitress.

Michael Beaumier said...

I honestly think this storyline would’ve been better if they’d gone back and drawn N95 respirators on all the character’s faces—it would at least make this love triangle a little more plausible. Poor Dawn wouldn’t know if it’s Hugo or Jared underneath.