Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mary Worth 3585

I find it absolutely charming that Greta is repeating herself. Woof. Woof. So appropriate for this comic strip.


KitKat said...

It’s the next day but the same wardrobe for both Saul and Greta. Just like the day before yesterday, and the one before that, and the one before that, and....

Does one woof mean yes, and two woofs mean no? Did Saul confuse the issue with his double negative, or is Greta’s double woof her way of not saying no? My head is beginning to hurt.

I hope Eve presents Saul and Greta with a conundrum: salmon but presented in a way that disgusts them, like smothered in ketchup and topped by scotch bonnet peppers.

LouiseF said...

As the Plot Slows...Now we're creeping along the hallway to lunch. How is this scene in any way worthy of rendering, complete with (ha) dialogue and two panels? Thank you, M. Wanders, for at least bringing some drama to the babbling Saul and his equally monosyllabic hound. In the old days, Joe G would at least have had a gun-toting thief hold them up on the way to lunch. This snoozefest gets more insufferable by the day.

Thunderheels said...

The look on Greta's face seems like it is a bit seductive. Do Max and Greta have a thing going on? Surely Saul and Eve have done the responsible thing.

Anonymous said...

I suspect we’re supposed to be worried about Saul doing a back flip on that shiny floor but I wouldn’t worry. I’m sure he’s wearing his old man rubber-soled shoes. No, I’m sure KM has something much more exciting in store for us. On his way to Eve’s apartment, Saul will pass by either:

1) Toby in a lip lock with Terry Bryson’s husband Adam Miller (or maybe Terry).
2) Mary crouched down outside Estelle’s apartment with her ear pressed to the keyhole.
3) Dawn (appearing to be about 10 months pregnant) screaming at Hugo on her cell with Jared ambling morosely along behind her.


Anonymous said...

If anthropomorphism is people attributing human qualities to animals, what, I wondered, is it called when people attribute dog-like qualities to themselves?

This is obviously a question that could only generated after months of lockdown and far too many conversations with my cat (who is incredibly smart, but I digress)

I can't believe I had to look this up and find out that there is a term for it: zoomorphism

It is a fallacy, of course, because the animals are a lot more competent than the humans in this strip.

I think Max was making a play for freedom during the storm after hearing Eve call herself his mama once too often. I figure Greta was in on the escape plan and Max was going to tear off her stupid bowtie, as they hit the open road.

Grumpy Old Doc

Anonymous said...

Excellent comments, all. I'm impressed that you're able to muster such wit in the face of this stultifying and never-ending "plot," which has dulled my senses to the point that I am incapable of expressing anything remotely interesting, much like Moy.

KitKat, you make a very good point about Greta's vocabulary. I was wondering if maybe "Noof!" means no to her, but who knows?

-- Scottie McW.

Chester the Dog said...

The same salmon that killed his last dog?