Saturday, March 20, 2021

Mary Worth 3593

I lose track of which panels June Brigman is recycling for this story, but I'm pretty sure this is one of them. I no longer care enough to look it up. I certainly can't blame June for not caring, either.


fauxprof said...

Oh, it’s so hard to bring the snark right now! Eve has made an oblique reference to a profoundly serious subject, suicidal thoughts. I can only imagine that Moy will either drop the topic, or do another week or two on how dogs are the answer. Frankly, I don’t know which would be worse.

KitKat said...

Day 517 of “As the Salmon Turns...”

Okay, it only (!) seems like 517 days. That’s what constant regurgitation of a plot does to a person. Fauxprof, you hit the nail on the head — thanks! We have yet another example of KM subverting serious themes by reducing them to banality.

Every time I ask myself “Good grief, how long can this go on?!” I remember that Mary has to be updated so she can weigh in with her platitudes. We may be looking at Memorial Day, friends.

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Readers of MW&M Suggest New Names for The Comic Strip in Comments"

"The Pit of Despair"?

Anonymous said...

I feel like we’re way past Groundhog Day and are now entering The Twilight Zone. I picture all of us on a bus, our little faces (or avatars) pressed against the windows, each emitting a silent scream. Panning around to the front, we see KM sitting in the driver’s seat with a wicked grin on her face. She points up at the lighted banner above the windshield that reads:

Destination: The Pit of Despair
Arrival Time: Monday Morning


p.s. Perfect secret message, Wanders.

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Wanders and Snark Tank. You've managed to fight off the soul-crushing ennui and deliver some first-class japery. "As the Salmon Turns" -- beautiful, KitKat.

Yes, today we get a hint that we're next going to delve into Eve's pre-canine rapture and examine the darkness. Yippee.

-- Scottie McW.

Chester the Dog said...

The pit of despair, very unlike the pit in your stomach when you eat salmon three weeks straight.

Michael Beaumier said...

I hope the next storyline is all about “cancel culture” and how Eve leaves the insufferable residents of Santa Royale and blocks Saul’s phone number.

fauxprof said...

SUNDAY: Are we there yet?

Yahoonski said...

SUNDAY. The quote from William James just does not stand up to even the most cursory analysis, but it reminds me of an early TV show called "Life Is Worth Living" that I sometimes found myself watching as a little (non-Catholic) kid. I didn't really have any idea what Bishop Fulton J. Sheen was talking about but I was kind of mesmerized by his slightly scary Dracula-like handsomeness, the liquefaction of his satiny cape and other vestments as he strode back and forth across the set in front of a wealth of wood paneling. His beany was fascinating, too. Check it out: