Monday, March 22, 2021

Mary Worth 3595

Promising of what? Romance? Please, anything but that. I'm happy with the relationship where it is. Emotional support. Dogs. Salmon.


KitKat said...

I doubt any of us are surprised at what threatens to be a week of Saint Mary the All Knowing reviewing Saul’s wrap-up and correcting/meddling as she deems necessary.

I can’t see any romantic relationship developing between Saul and Eve. They are both in committed relationships — with their dogs.

@Yahoonski posted earlier today (on the Sunday comments) regarding Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and his TV show “Life is Worth Living.” I was a little (Catholic) kid then, and Bishop Sheen spooked me, too. I remember him writing on a large blackboard. His hands seemed huge (he was an expressive man who gestured a lot), and those hands both fascinated and scared me. He did have an impressive wardrobe, especially that purple satin cape!

fauxprof said...

I had hoped we could dispense with the Mary victory lap, but tradition looms large in the Worthiverse.

Adding to Kit Kat and Yahoonski’s memories, I, too, was a small Catholic School kid back in the day. Bishop Sheem’s program was must-see TV in our house. Ditto to all their memories—scary eyebrows, expressive gestures, sweeping purple cape (OK, we had a black and white TV, but little Catholic kids learn their liturgical colors in first grade). But my memory is geared to my parents. Mom, the convert, adored Bishop Sheen, Dad, the cradle Catholic, called him a phony. I’m a Daddy’s girl.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, she opened up to you, did she? Harrumph! I think you should stay in your lane, Saul. Life-saving advice is my thing, capice? Good day, sir."

* * *

Lifelong Catholic here, and I remember Bishop Sheen was, as fauxprof put it, must-see TV at my grandma's house. He really was a gifted and effective speaker.

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cardigans! (Sorry, Bishop Sheen... I was brought up as a Baptist).

I was just about to write that "some things never change" as in, after months and months of sameness, sure enough, Mary is STILL wearing that same purple cowl sweater when I noticed... Saul has swapped his GREEN sweater for a GREY one! Or maybe it's just that my monitor is finally giving up the ghost (Sorry, Bishop Sheen...).


LouiseF said...

Promising? Saul tells Mary a story about his (and Greta's) storm-drenched rescue of Max, and Mary focuses on a budding relationship between Saul and Eve? If she can get Saul interested in Eve romantically, (as Wanders pointed out, they've already held hands), Mary can wrestle her meddling crown back from Saul... Subtle but smooth, Mary.

Anonymous said...

What this storyline has concluded? Already? I was hoping the final closing would be a walk by the headless mannequins Greta and Max leading the way but instead of the customary “woof”, Greta let’s out a “grrrrr” and Max joins in. Like the rest of us Saul is shocked to find out his dog can utter a sound other “woof” but Eve calms everyone by announcing “it’s ok I’m not afraid anymore”.

Michael Beaumier said...

Do I hear geriatric wedding bells?

Because you either need to turn them up for Saul’s hearing aids, or turn them down because they’re annoying Mary.