Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Mary Worth 3597

Mary, please stop using the word "relationship." Use a word like "friendship," or "association." When you say "relationships" like that, it just sounds creepy. Of course, Mary is in a relationship that is better described as an association, so she really can't help herself.


LouiseF said...

Hmmm.. All this relationship talk and today we see Mary and Saul's hands close together on Greta's head. Maybe Mary is priming the "relationship" for Saul and HER. After all, conducting a big time search and rescue could be mighty attractive to a gal.

Anonymous said...

Get your bingo card out folks, because the Platitude Fest is under way!

She started off with "good" relationships and graduated to "best" relationships. Coming tomorrow -- "great" relationships and "super-duper awesome" relationships! Friday: "mutual-tattoo" relationships and "matching-neckware" relationships!

This is so great!

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

There’s a reason why Mary hasn’t offered Saul any of her freshly made salmon muffins. Right now, she’s trying to figure out how she can get rid of him. As soon as he leaves, she’ll be flying over to Eve’s apartment with a suitcase full of copies of her 12-step program entitled:

“How to Avoid Serious Relationships and Any and All Intimacy for Years on End Without Losing Your Romantic Partner’s Financial Support.”

She’s got her program on Blu-ray and CD-rom discs, DVDs, flash (SSD) drives, memory cards and sticks. Suspecting that Eve might be something of a luddite, she’s brought along some old floppy diskettes. Who knows, maybe she can even get rid of the last of her 8-track tapes.


Downpuppy said...

Gee, Louise, as long as Mary doesn't steer Saul into a "mutually beneficial relationship" we'll all be ahead in May when the victory laps are over.

KitKat said...

“A good relationship works BOTH ways. For example, take Jeff and me. When I’m in the mood for the Early Bird menu at the Bum Boat, I let Jeff take me there and pick up the check.The rest of the year, he leaves me alone.”

@Scottie McW., I sure hope your scenario doesn’t lead to (and I hope this isn’t considered non-family-friendly) friends with benefits — bleah.