Thursday, August 5, 2021

Mary Worth 3702

I hope it wasn't the whole story because I could use a lot more Stretch Armstrong dreams, girl fights, and trailer park shame.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, now they're going to form theories on the basis of zero facts. That always works out well.

Apparently, Jeff couldn't think of his son's name right there, even though Mary just said it. Hmmmm.

-- Scottie McW.

Bill the Butcher said...

What does Drew think the whole story is?

"He thinks Shauna Of The BrainDead is a mob enforcer and Trashlee was made an offer she couldn't refuse. She ​woke up to find the head end of a Rolex on her bed."

“He thinks Trashlee is a Russian spy, and having found out all the secrets of Rolexes in Charterstone, she’s gone off to report to Putin.”

“He thinks Trashlee found out about Splak! breakfasts, salmon squares, and Weelbur crawling through the shrubbery, and decided to get out of town while she could!”

“He thinks Trashlee talked to Dawn and found out that life is brutal. “

Bill the Butcher said...

Good Cthulhu, you can just see Mary's meddlebral cortex neurons salivating.

Thunderheels said...

Mary is going into full meddle mode. Dr. Jeff is definitely shows signs of his distress over his son.
However, the look on Mary's face is gleeful. Once again showing she has little real empathy, bur thrives on the misery of others. Dr. Jeff might want to "leave town" before Mary gets her hooks in deeper.

Bill the Butcher said...
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Bill the Butcher said...

(Why has Blogger not come up with an edit function?)

Jeff had wanted to call his son Painted, but his wife put her foot down. They then debated over Daubed, Etched, and Scribbled before finally compromising on Drew.

To this day Jeff thinks of him as Painted, and always has to shift mental gears when referring to him out loud.

Michael Beaumier said...

Yes, because like every doctor, Drew’s default position is to not believe what women tell him. Especially accusers — but lady patients and their “symptoms” should never be trusted, either.

KitKat said...

Jeff's sporting his Elsa Lanchester "Bride of Frankenstein" look in spades today. Perhaps angst over his son ("Now what IS his name? Darn it....") is adding more white hairs as he and Mary wander the hospital grounds.

Yahoonski said...

KitKat, I notice you said "wander THE hospital grounds," whereas the narration box omits the article, as if it's not the grounds of any specific hospital that M & J are wont to wander, but rather any old hospital they can find.

LouiseF said...

Another half-hearted attempt to build suspense here.. "What does he think it is?" from Mary, followed tomorrow by Jeff saying, "He doesn't know." Yawn...

Anonymous said...

Jeff: My son told me that Ashlee left town for a new job.

Mary: Gee, that’s too bad. I probably shouldn’t say this but the staff and even some of your patients got a big kick out of her last meltdown in the hospital lobby. Poor Mr. Smithers laughed so hard, he fell right out of his wheelchair and Mrs. Wilson died laughing!

Jeff: Ha ha ha… I’ll bet those two old goats are still talking about it.

Mary: Jeff, you never listen to me. I just told you, Mrs. Wilson died.

Jeff: Oh… Say you haven’t got any of that turkey stew left, have you?


Anonymous said...

"He thinks that Ashlee was about to scam him out of five thousand dollars but she had second thoughts when she saw him interacting with a small poverty stricken child at THE CLINIC, so she left town on a Greyhound bus, under the pretense of having a great job opportunity when in reality she has no job and is currently searching Indeed for waitressing jobs. How far-fetched is that ?"

KitKat said...

Yahoonski, you have an eagle eye. Maybe Mary and Jeff’s routine is to meet for breakfast in a random hospital cafeteria and ramble through the grounds. This is what constitutes Jeff’s semi-retirement.