Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Mary Worth 3742

We all understand that Carol is just being cordial and letting a human being know that she is more interested in him than in his dog. But Wilbur doesn't understand that. Someone needs to warn Carol that Wilbur thinks she's hitting on him, and he is a deluded idiot who will now stalk her every day of her life, until the next chick is magnitized by Pierre the Dog. Words matter, Carol. Be careful how you choose them.


KitKat said...

So a beach with dogs running on it becomes a dog beach? That’s Santa Royale for you.

“Well, Carol, I see that you and I prefer bulky white footwear. Perhaps we could visit a Footwear Supply Store together! By the way, when I stand up, can you brush sand off the seats of my pants?”

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

KitKat, in my social circles we refer to that as foot apparel, thank you very much!

Tim S said...

Ham sandwiches, liquid courage, vivacious Columbian women who teach dance, John Cusack, stalking, cruising in the Mediterranean, my fake son Kurt, pool parties, crooning, pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, making love at the dunes of the dog beach. You know, all the usual stuff.

Wanders said...

@Tim S: yes that pretty much covers it. Nicely captured.

Anonymous said...

Wilbur: "I like dogs because they're chick magnets. But frankly, I'm a little disappointed. I thought he'd magnetize someone a lot chickier. I mean, you're not all that bad, but you're not all that hot either. It's just that I was expecting someone younger and blonder and more babe-like. You're lucky. You're attracted to me."

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what Carol does for work but hopefully she drives a fork lift. She's gonna need one to get Wilbur up off that sand.


Chester the Dog said...

"I like getting drunk in public, embarrassing people, mayo, terrorizing cats, making bad decisions, mayo, ignoring my daughter, and mayo."

LouiseF said...

Thanks for making tea come out of my nose, Helen Clark, at the mental image of Wilbur being hefted off the sand on a forklift with that "beep,beep" noise as Carol backs up to her car, because you know Wilbur somehow got her to pick him up instead of driving himself to the beach.