Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Notes from the Editor: June, do you think you could lower the side board to Mary's elbow, instead of her shoulder? Could the vase be a bit smaller? Cats pretty much do what they want, but why is the dog sitting on the table? And that artwork... is that a Picasso line drawing? Could you lower it a little? It's just a bit high.

And Karen, what the heck does "a renewed sense of Try-Again with each other" mean? It sounds like they're headed toward another falling out. Please, let's not go through that again.


KitKat said...

Hmm, what does Mary mean by “catching up”? Is she insinuating something vaguely family unfriendly? I can see her shouting something family unfriendly the fur kids jump on her table or kitchen counters.

Mary’s wearing her self-designed muffin-crumb-catcher scarf.

KitKat said...

Make that “if the fur kids…”

Vince said...

It's possible that the author has been replaced by a random-word generator. The results are a little off from Ms. Moy at her best, but it's close enough, and there is one big salary that no longer has to be paid. What do you all think.

Anonymous said...

The only falling out I want to see is Wilbur falling out of the 7th deck of the cruise ship.

MissScarlet said...

Wanders, the first thing I thought of was putting pets on a hallway sideboard table also. Who does that?

The next thing I thought of was all the ships at sea that can't dock because of corona outbreaks. But that can't be part of the story. It's too current.

Are we to assume that these two will actually share a stateroom on this cruise? Ick!

Anonymous said...

Estelle looks less than enthusiastic when she moans to Mary that she and Wilbur are determined to “try again”.

This constant “trying again” thing might be okay if you:

Want to learn a foreign language;
Want to learn how to snowboard;
Want to overcome your fear of public speaking;
Want to get into an Ivy League university;
Want to gain control over an addiction;
Want to write a book;
Want to survive boot camp;
Want to climb Mount Everest;

I could go on. But if a romantic relationship seems impossible to sustain without this constant “trying again” thing, then maybe, just maybe, Estelle… Never mind.


meg said...

I don’t know about anyone else, but I wouldn’t wish to eat food served from Mary’s dog and cat storage area.