Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Mary Worth 3843

That's right, Cal, Toby is still cool. Back in the day, she was quite a Frisbee™ player. ...

No, I can't. I just can't. I can't go on with this chirade. My life is never going to be as perfect as the lives of my friends in Santa Royale. No matter how much I try, I just can't do it. I thought if I devoted my life to their stories, I would somehow find out who I really am. But all I have found out is that my mouth is common, my Frisbee™ skills are not cool, and my cat isn't as great as other people's dogs. Even Estelle's falling for Arthur Zero's scam did not protect me from the Send-Yourself-Money-with-Zelle scam. What's the point of it all?


Thunderheels said...

Thanks for an early morning laugh, Wanders!
Remember: Frisbees are good!

Anonymous said...

Oh Wanders. Although your life will never be as perfect as the lucky residents of Santa Royale, you can console yourself by knowing that it's probably a heck of a lot more interesting than the lives of your followers who have nothing more exciting to do than hang around every morning, waiting for you to post your comments. Sigh...


KitKat said...

Be of strong heart, Wanders, and persevere! Someday you might be able to acquire an Astroturf sport coat just like Ian’s!

I wonder if Cal even understands what “back in the day” means. Unless he’s really pulling his punches, he seems to be a naive, amiable guy who’s fixated on his teacher, not a schemer who put the moves on Chinbeard in an effort to get a good grade. She even smoked cigarettes, so it was obvious she was a Jezebel. (Typical KM!)

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Toby was indeed quite the playa back in the day. If you look carefully you can even spot her uncommon mouth in certain classic hip hop music videos.

Chin up, Wanders. I feel the same way, realizing my mad skillz on the bagpipes will never keep up with the dazzling performance at Frisbee, parkour and root vegetable gardening by hip and cool young kids like Harlan and Cal and Toby.

And Toby, I suggest you return those enormous pink hoop earrings to Shauna. They really accentuate your uncommon mouth and those growing bags under your eyes.

Gina said...

Don't despair, Wanders. Just remember that whatever happens in your life, you will always, always be better than Wilbur.

Anonymous said...

Fiddle-faddle, bunkum, and twaddle, Wanders. Actually, you're so cool!

-- Scottie McW.

Jerry Smith said...

This story arc is not going to lead to any kind of intercourse but social, is it? Oh well. Only four more weeks of "frisbees are good!"

MissScarlet said...

Well, this may seem like a dorky story line (may?) but it beats anything about Wilbur.

hmmm said...

Don’t be dissin’ your cat, Wanders. He (she?) looked really sweet in those photos you shared awhile back.

Back to this thing going on between Cal and Toby. I still think this kid must be in some kind of AP program. He looks, talks, acts like he’s no more than 13 or 14 years old! So if this gets heavy, I’m thinking Toby’s looking at a new career making license plates instead of clay ponies.

Michael Beaumier said...

While everyone else in the world plays Frisbee™ golf, Toby’s husband made her play Frisbee™ tennis.