Saturday, March 12, 2022

Mary Worth 3851

SCCc teachers AND students take pride in policing Title IX violations. So what if a few innocent victims get expelled or fired. Better that 100 innocent people are punished unfairly than one guilty person go free.


Anonymous said...

Back off, Toby. I've got a few !? !? !? of my own!!!

Gee, thanks, June. Estelle gets drawn as a beautiful sixty-something, slim and trim with lustrous flowing hair, firm chin, and nary a wrinkle.

But just let KM name a character "Helen" and you draw HER like forty miles of bad road! I'm gonna sue.


Ian Cameron, PhD said...

I beg your pardon madam! It seems who we mistook as Dean Killjoy is in fact Toby's faculty nemesis, SRCc Basketweaving Studies Chair Dr Helen A. Handbasket. I wouldn't necessarily describe anything in this strip is unexpected, but I'm looking forward to seeing how the Confrontation plays out.

Toby's new highly-punctuative communication style is really growing on me; I especially like that she actually says "!" and "?" rather than thought bubbling it. If you ask me Helen even merits a good "#@^&!" or two (but only someone who lives somewhere with cracked plaster on the wall would say that).

Chester the Dog said...

I would not apply to this school.

KitKat said...

Helen A. Handbasket - hahahaha! I love it, Ian Cameron, PhD! Helen must have had many late nights weaving baskets because she’s looking haggard as heck. Regarding Toby’s highly punctuative communication style, she recently spoke both “sigh” and “groan!”

I wonder how long Helen has been fantasizing about Cal. It’ll be even better if more than fantasizing has been going on.

Anonymous said...

I love the panel showing those women shouting at Dawn. I am imagining them yelling, "Harlot! Harlot! Stone her! Stone her!"

Scottie McW.

hmmm said...

Dr Ian Cameron: Helen A. Handbasket… best made up name for one of KM’s bit players that I can remember! Nicely done!

KitKat said...

Today Helen transforms from mildly haggard to Cruella DeVille.

meg said...

There’s only one way to straighten out Ms. Handbasket: Calling Mary Worth! It’s muffin time!