Thursday, March 24, 2022

Mary Worth 3855

I shouldn't be this surprised that Cal saw her go up the hill. After all: Keen eyes.


Anonymous said...

"You know, someone of your age walking up a hill like that. That must be really difficult."

-- Scottie McW.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Exactly, Scottie - I was just thinking that Toby's expression is one of disappointment at not being stalked. "I thought you might need HELP or something! My mom always tells me to help little old ladies to cross the street and climb steep cliffs! Can I get you your walker and oxygen tank from your Buick, Ms C?"

Toby, you should run for the hills (rather, run even further into the hills than you already have). I just checked your attendance log and Cal's last name is none other than KELRAST! Anagrams never lie.

KitKat said...

My first thought was that Helen Moss is lurking in one of those trees. Then I thought about the sudden appearance of Mary, pushing a large cart of muffins; she’s working on a deal with the SRCc cafeteria to sell her Worthy Incredible Muffins.

LouiseF said...

Helen will put in her weekly appearance tomorrow, looking up the hill with a pair of binoculars, the better to track the movements of one Toby Cameron.

Jana C.H. said...

LouiseF: Maybe Helen is the one who wants to get it on with Toby, and is burning with jealousy. Toby has two stalkers!

Anonymous said...

Does Cal think Toby needs help because she climbed the hill, or does he think she climbed the hill because she needs help? His comment is beyond stupid either way. I hope they both lose their balance and roll down the hill, and land at the feet of Helen Moss.

MissScarlet said...

You gotta hand it to Cal, at least he had the good sense to offer to sit elsewhere. No surprise that Toby can't imagine why that might be a better choice.

I'm a little concerned that Toby looks so sad. I hope she's not planning to tell Cal about Helen's remarks. She didn't even tell Ian specifically what happened. What would Cal do with that info? Tell the dean? Nothing? Accuse Helen? Kiss Toby? I can hardly wait.

hmmm said...

I don’t know why Toby was surprised to see Cal. He’s still wearing the same shirt he’s been wearing for the last two weeks. You’d think she would have smelled him at 50 paces.