Thursday, March 31, 2022

Mary Worth 3862

Toby's uncommon mouth doesn't seem too upset about this situation. But just wait until she hits a pickup truck on the way home.


KitKat said...

Halfway through Toby’s drive to Charterstone, Helen emerges from the back seat of the car! With a camera! And a pair of shears! Cue the scary music!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Toby refers to the Biden administration as "nation management."

Ha ha, who am I kidding? Why would she ever refer to any administration? She hasn't known who's president since one of those Bush guys.

-- Scottie McW.

Darth Curt said...

Regarding 550 yesterday... I was really hoping that it was referring to Post 550 on this blog. I even went digging back to find it. Alas, it was just about some story about some husband going to a book tour or something. Interestingly though, I didn't recognize any of the commenters from back then.

LouiseF said...

Toby is new to teaching, so maybe she doesn't yet know the jargon, such as "college administration" instead of "school management". You'd think Ian would have schooled her on all the hip language so she could fit in better. As for Helen Moss, I'm guessing she came out of corporate America somewhere, which could be her excuse for such a bad haircut and her use of awkward phrases to describe a system she doesn't really know anything about. So far, she's bucking for a nomination as Most Unpleasant Character Introduced this Year.

Jerry Smith said...

So what is the actual deal with Cal? Is he ever going to make a move? Or is he just another GenX idiot who serves as a plot device for Helen's schemes? Will we ever see him again? Does anyone care? Will anything EVER ACTUALLY HAPPEN?

Time to bring back Trashlee for some grifting excitement in this strip.

MissScarlet said...

@Jerry Smith. What a great idea! Can you imagine what Trashlee would do to Cal? That would be fun to watch!

Unfortunately, it wouldn't give Helen anything to report to management.

Anonymous said...

This storyline began with such promise, but it has stalled, like Helen's Citroen C4 Cactus is about to

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that tomorrow, Toby will look in the Beetle's rearview mirror to see Helen in her 1958 Plymouth Fury (Christine) riding up its bumper.
