Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Mary Worth 3882

The marriage is saved. The black armbands are off. Toby thinks, "Huh, I did not expect him to believe me. Mary said he would, but I reviewed past interactions and was sure he'd think me a brazen woman."


KitKat said...

“Now don’t worry your lovable little head about your cute little ‘job,’ Toby dear. It’s not like the pittance you earned makes a difference in our household. We know who the breadwinner is here! And speaking of bread, those slices on the table are dry as haggis that was left out for three days.”

Toby’s defense before School Management: “It’s not my fault if people fall in love with me!”

meg said...

A loaf of stale bread, a slug of wine, a bowl of posole, and thou beside me in front of the plate glass window.

Anonymous said...

Ravaging ensues.

-- Scottie McW.

Chester the Dog said...

Phew! That was close!

Anonymous said...

Once again, KM turns what might have been at least a mildly amusing development into a completely boring outcome.

Let's see if she can do the same with the Helen Moss thing. Will Helen get hit by a bus on her way over to the School Management office?


Jerry Smith said...

Are you kidding, Helen? Tomorrow will be the new Wilbur storyline and we'll never see Helen Moss or Cal again. Resolution of dangling storylines might be somewhat interesting--and that is verboten in Mary Worth!

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

What?? I'm disappointed in myself, I was really hoping I could muster much more fluster than that. I guess my throat must be dried out from all those after-dinner toast slices, it's kind of hard to work up to a decently deranged tirade after scarfing down half a loaf and Toby's congealed posole.