Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Mary Worth 3889

Please let it be Toby with a pair of binoculars! "I see you, Helen Moss, lusting after the past! I'm reporting you to school management."


KitKat said...

Helen needs to ditch the lavender lipstick pronto, with no pausing.

It’s none other than Professor Harlan Jones! Things at the U of SR have slowed, and his course load has declined, so he’s got a side gig as an adjunct at SRCc teaching parkour.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Helen! Yes it's me, your strapping ex-lover Ian Cameron, barging in with a tremendous amount of entertaining fluster in store!

(maybe I'm wrong but after all this pausing and gasping it seems like things can only get better from here)

LouiseF said...

I am glad to see that JB has mastered the art of visual melodrama that characterized the best of Roy Lichtenstein. We know what's coming with that "Gasp!", but I appreciate the illustration as much as I do this one...

Anonymous said...

Wow... Helen's really got it bad. After all those years, she's still hung up on Ian. In fact, she's so obsessed, just looking at that old photo made her decide to draw a chinbeard on her own face using a giant size Sharpie. Poor Helen.


MissScarlet said...

Never thought I'd say this, but Moy has me excited about what will happen tomorrow.

Michael Beaumier said...

Sorry, Wilbur is alive, thus my bloodlust is unquenched — so I’m hoping this ends in murder.