Sunday, July 3, 2022

Mary Worth 3953

You FEEL terrible, Jared? You LOOK terrible, too! What happened? You look like you broke your heart AND started taking heroine.


Anonymous said...

As one who believes that comic-book superheroes and silly sci fi are for ten-year-old boys,* I shake my head in amusement at Jared's Star Wars shrine. Grow up, dude.

-- Scottie McW.

* No offense at all intended to adults who like this stuff; it's just not my thing.

KitKat said...

Let’s get this straight, Jared. Dawn ignored you, openly gawked at other men, lied about her actions, stormed away from you while screaming “I hate you, Jared!” and you’re hoping you can still be her friend? Hahahahahahaha!!!!

If that’s Jess Bender’s number he’s calling, I hope a man answers.

mr_darcy said...

I always figured R2D2 for a party animal, but a lampshade over the head? That was old school even in Flash Gordon's day.

Sandi Ego said...

Yeah, maybe that poor woman's bruises have faded enough that she can meet up at Coffee Shop. FYI Jared, the dirty smelly sneaker next to your bed is a deal breaker.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

I am so caught up in this story I had to scroll back through the "As the World Turns" style taglines to keep track of the past week's gripping action:

"When Jared breaks up with Dawn..
As Jared breaks up with Dawn...
As Jared goes home after breaking up with Dawn...
As Jared leaves a message for Dawn...
As Jared talk to his cat...
As Jared talks to his cat after he breaks up with Dawn..."

What could be next?? "As Jared talks to his cat after breaking up with Dawn, and subsequently going home and, following that, leaving her a message..." ?

I'm on the edge of my seat!

hmmm said...

I agree with Wanders. Jared looks terrible. I think he’s calling Vin.