Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Mary Worth 3956

I'm reading 'Karenina' by Tolstoy.
It's such a flirty moment when two ditzy people who obviously are woo-woo for each other call each other by their first and last names. The next level in the relationship will be last names only, "Hey, Mylo," "Hey, Bender." The mock intimacy is adorable. I can guarantee that Jared never called Dawn, "Weston."


KitKat said...

Dr. Jeff has never called Mary “Worth,” either.

Are Tess and Jess renting a house? Jess had told Jared earlier that her sister from out of town was coming to help her when she was discharged. Maybe they’ll rent a cat, too.

fauxprof said...

Interesting thatJared thinks getting some sun is a good idea. He doesn’t look as if he’s been outside in months. But perhaps he uses a really strong SPF lotion.

tkraft said...

Jared and Jess will take a stroll and come head to head with Dawn on the ubiquitous winding path. The remainder of the week and Sunday platitude will be taken up with Jess visiting Jared in the hospital, where he will be suitably scratched and stitched up. Plus Jared will have gotten his nose done, so overall it'll be a net win.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Gruesomest flirt ever.

Darth Curt said...

Just trying to figure out the layout... is the bed just in an alcove in a hallway?

mr_darcy said...

They're calling each other by their full names because they are about to christen each other with Star Wars names... Mylja and Benje. Their couple name will be Benlo. To which the world responds, "You still are. "

Anonymous said...

The bedroom seems like an appropriate meeting place for a health care worker and his patient!

LouiseF said...

The pace of these plots becomes breakneck at the most peculiar times. What's going on with Dawn? How is Mary going to insert herself into THIS situation? And is there anything left of that Fourth of July cake?

Anonymous said...

“Aren’t you a little short to be a stormtrooper? And a little stupid to be a doctor?”

Anonymous said...

Jess is reading a copy of Star Wars Daily, the magazine for the serious fan. Jared won't be able to keep up.

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

Did Tess give Jared the go ahead to just run on up to Jess's bedroom unannounced? Pop his head into the open doorway and say "Hey"? I mean, what if Jess had been clipping her toenails or picking her nose?


Chester the Dog said...

Sun and fresh scars? I dunno.

Sandi Ego said...

Exactly, Chester the Dog. You're definitely not supposed to expose healing wounds to the sun and Jared should know this. Also, her eye reminds me of Libby the Cat and I kinda feel bad for thinking that.