Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Mary Worth 3998

"Yes, Dawn, let me reassure you - you are turning into your father. Change must come from within, and your father has failed miserably at change. And so have you. Your fate is sealed so there is no point in discussing it. My only advice is for you to embrace your inner-Wilbur and let your endearing quirks destroy everything that is precious to you."


Anonymous said...

"Yes, Dawn, I saw the signs. But I wanted you to discover that for yourself. As you know, I don't like to meddle in other people's affairs."

"And just how long were you going to let me be a complete jerk?"

"Well, I probably would have stopped you before you got drunk and jumped off a cruise ship."

-- Scottie McW.

LouiseF said...

Perfect, Scottie McW! I notice that Mary has regained her Smug-o-Rama expression at the announcement by Dawn that she resembles Wilbur's flaws. It strikes me that people at Charterstone are not really friends with one another if they lie in wait, tormented by thoughts of their own (and others') irritating quirks, only to jump at the chance to agree with a self put down. This cannot be healthy for children and other living things.

Jimmy said...

I look forward to the day Dawn is haphazardly slurping down noodles and getting blotto while her ex looks on in contempt with his age-inappropriate paramour.

RogerBW said...

"Dawn, there are only two ways. Now you've see for yourself how well trying to run your own life works, it's time to try the other way. I'll just need your signature, in blood…"

meg said...

Dawn is getting- and giving herself- a bad rap.

She and Jared were a mutual dump- he was holding hands with whatshername before he learned that Dawn had lied and gone dancing.
Hugo/Dawn: mutual
Harlan/Dawn: never a thing.
Dr, Adulterous: Dawn did the right thing.
Dave: cruelly dumped Dawn.

Did I miss anything? She seems -unsurprisingly- to have been Jared’s first and only sweetheart. Probably gave him some example to work with when he met Jess.

Dawn is only 20, not married, not engaged, not pregnant. All’s fair in love and war; and my personal favorite from Shakespeare:
The course of true love never did run smooth.

TEAM DAWN! Get off her case, Mary!

KitKat said...

How could Mary not insert the word “fluster”? If Dawn had had a mouthful of tea, we would have had a spit-take for certain, what with that outrageous line of Mary’s. What a double standard! Wilbur’s lying, carelessness, inconstancy (and who believes Dawn would use that word?), boorishness, etc. are “endearing quirks,” while Dawn is on her own to root out her flaws. Mary must be cackling on the inside.

You pegged it correctly, Scottie McW. Wanders, righto - this is one for the Worthiverse ages.

Tim said...

I'm not sure I understand this. Wilbur is her father. Dawn lives with him. Is it shocking that she and her dad would share certain traits?
And when did Mary drop the endearing quirks nonsense?

Anonymous said...

Liar, liar, purple cowl neck sweater on fire!

Mary is lying in her dentures! If she'd ever suspected that Dawn was going to turn out like Wilbur, she would have fixed Dawn up with Tommy, long ago, back in the day. Tommy and Dawn GONE! Wilbur and Iris GONE! They would have been kicked out of Charterstone because single people are NOT allowed to occupy a two-bedroom unit.


Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Ace of Base saw the signs first, Mary. Life is demanding, without understanding. And change must come from within your couch cushions, along with torrents of rancid muffin crumbs.