Saturday, September 10, 2022

Mary Worth 4023

And to Wanders' life. Don't forget how much you have both contributed to MY life. Also, where'd that lemonade Mary is holding come from? Lemonade with quiche? Oh, wait! It's recycling day.


Anonymous said...

"So you're saying I shouldn't let the air out of his tires?"

"I've seen that heap. He probably wouldn't even notice."

-- Scottie McW.

KitKat said...

While reviewing past interactions, June came across this panel. She liked it so much, she decided to use it a fourth time [yawn snore].

RogerBW said...

Scottie McW: "Lungs, dear, let the air out of his lungs."

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Wanders, thank you as always for the amazing retrospective. It makes me wonder if June has developed a sophisticated database of recyclable content tags like your blog, or simply file cabinets stuffed with manila folders like "Muffin Time", "Victory Laps", and "Wilbur Being Pathetic".

But what is that strange homunculus looming on Mary's left shoulder? I'm thinking its a misshapen conjoined twin which actually dispenses good advice rather than bad, but is usually kept well hidden in the folds of her omnipresent cowl neck sweater.

Yahoonski said...

Only the current iterations of Mark Trail and Judge Parker keep MW from being the worst soap strip ever. Jules Rivera has nobody to blame but herself for the Trail travesty, but I blame Manley and Brigham for their collaborations with Marciuliano and Moy respectively. They are both enablers who ought to have the self-respect and decency to just say no and refuse to illustrate these boring, stupid, snail-paced insults to a noble art form. Then again, June is perhaps rebelling in a small way by phoning it in with all this recycling. Oops, don't mind me, folks. I'm overdue for my meds.

Anonymous said...

Methinks Yahoonski is in need of some muffins (or a dog).


Downpuppy said...

As Camus said, "Dogs are good."