Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Mary Worth 4026

When you say, "Sit this one out..." what are you referring to? Currently, you are playing the game alone by default, not by choice. Do you mean "sit the next one out"? Because I call foul; we all know you are lying and will instantly fall in love with the next male you meet.


KitKat said...

Dawn will figure it out, just like she’s been trying to figure out a major and how to graduate for a decade. Right now she has to figure out how to transport that chunk of leaden quiche in a metal cake pan home.

Tomorrow and the rest of the week: Mary will ease Dawn out the door and then reflect on how well her latest meddle went. Time for a victory lap and a few cocktails!

Yahoonski said...

Forget what I said about Mark Trail and Judge Parker. Nobody can induce a gag reflex as well as Karen Moy.

RogerBW said...

Dawn is meta-aware: the "one" she'll sit out is the next story cycle.

Which probably means Wilbur.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

I’m supposed to be a tenured professor of the English language, and for some reason I can’t wrap my head around this dialogue. I wonder if I’ll ever get this “Mastering Life” thing down!

Anonymous said...

Mary is very much into recycling. She's thrilled that she's finally found a use for Libby's old litter tray.


meg said...

Mary thinks: Glad I was able to give Dawn such concise advice,

Dawn thinks: Mary sure does know a lot of words- wonder what they all meant.