Friday, September 16, 2022

Mary Worth 4029

"I'm happy to look at you guys. I have two fish, a shriveled hand, and a nice place to live, for now. I am content."


RogerBW said...

Well, the fish have coloured up nicely. Plenty of shrimp in their diet.

Looking at the nearest edge of the tank I continue to think that this is some kind of printed stick-on deal. Maybe the pet shop people saw Wilbur coming and decided they wouldn't sell him any more innocent animals.

Anonymous said...


Next case!

-- Scottie McW

KitKat said...

In addition to the fish coloring up nicely, Wilbur’s olive green polo changed too. I am not going to count the hairs in his comb over to determine if June added or deleted - yuck.

Wilbur’s career must be successful. He gets paid well for doing nothing.

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

"As Wilbur confides in his goldfish..."?? I think we need a new Worthy Award category for Most Pathetic Opening Tagline.

June has learned to draw Wilbur with an ambiguously vacuous expression as much as possible, to maximize recycling possibilities no matter what mindblowing twists and turns Karen's storylines may take.

Garnet said...

Those definitely aren't real fish. Given that they have maintained the exact same position for so long, I think they are just paintings on a box or the outside of the aquarium. That explains why they haven't jumped out of the tank to escape their plight or died from neglect. So, what we are seeing is Wilbur's descent into madness as he discusses his pathetic life with a painting of fish.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Garnet. Maybe as Wilbur descends into madness, he will decide to fill his pockets with economy size mayonnaise jars and drown himself in one of the hundreds of ponds on the Charterstone grounds.


KitKat said...

HelenClark, there’s also that pond at the Park with Little Foot Traffic, where Jared and Jess picnicked. Since very few people go there, Wilbur’s bloated corpse could be undiscovered for weeks.

Anonymous said...

KitKat - Thank you! With the image of Wilbur’s bloated corpse in mind, I know I won’t sleep tonight. Therefore, I can stay up all night to do the dusting and vacuuming I’ve been postponing during the excitement of the Jared, Jess, and Dawn story.
