Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Mary Worth 4083

Given that Iris's past dating life includes Wilbur Weston, I shouldn't be surprised at how easily she's impressed.


KitKat said...

Iris always tries to look on the bright side. “I’m proud of you, honey. Your foolishness almost killed us, but…..”

We need to know more about Mr. Beedie to compare and contrast him with Wilbur and Zak. Iris really knows how to pick them.

Anonymous said...

Next, Zak falls out of bed, and Iris pulls him back up. Then they talk about that for two weeks.

-- Scottie McW.

Frank Booth said...

Iris bolts awake only to see her real husband Wilbur laying next to her, it was all a dream!

LouiseF said...

Finding the "strength" to hang onto a cliff when death is imminent otherwise is hardly something to be proud of. It's a matter of survival, Iris. Remember the adrenaline surge that helps moms lift a car to save their kids? Nobody would say they were proud of themselves for doing that. She sure gravitated from being a helpless dishrag to being "proud" of Zak... Apparently not proud of herself, though.

Garnet said...

They definitely must have stopped off at Tommy's to get something to smoke. That's the only explanation for this dialogue.

She really shouldn't be proud of him for doing the stupid fool dance on the side of a slippery cliff and then displaying some very basic survival instincts.

Jerry Smith said...

In bed for three days in a row! Slattern! Someone at the Syndicate will receive a strongly worded letter!